(Table AT1) Grain size distribution and stable isotope record of benthic fora...
The Walvis Paradox states that opal accumulation fluctuates in counterphase to general productivity on Walvis Ridge, off northern Namibia. Sediments of early Quaternary age from... -
Carbonate content, Ti/K, grain size, stable isotope of N. pachyderma and N. p...
All foraminifera analyses (counts, stable isotopes and Mg/Ca) were done on the 150 and 250 μm fraction.Stable isotopes were measured using a MAT 252 coupled to a Kiel II device... -
Planktic foraminifera distribution of sediment core MedSeA-S23-c1, size fract...
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Planktic foraminifera distribution of sediment core MedSeA-S3-c1, size fracti...
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Ice rafted debris in sediment core MSM05/5_723-2
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Distribution of planktic foraminifera and calculated sea surface temperature ...
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(Table 3) Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of Globigerinoides sacculifer of O...
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(Table 1) Stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition of Neogloboquadrina pa...
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(Table 1) Stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition of Neogloboquadrina pa...
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