Water record of Magallana angulata F2 generation exposed to transgenerational...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity) of Magallana angulata (also known as Crassostrea angulata) F2 generation from larval stage to adult in the... -
Water record of immune response to transgenerational ocean acidification in M...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity) of Magallana angulata (also known as Crassostrea angulata) F2 generation from larval stage to adult in the... -
Water record of Magallana angulata F1 generation during laboratory experiment...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity and total alkalinity (TA)) and calculated water carbonate chemistry of Magallana angulata (also known as... -
Water record of Magallana angulata F0 generation exposed to low pH during lab...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity and total alkalinity (TA)) and calculated water carbonate chemistry in the hatchery located in Zhanjiang,... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and the intrinsic and extrinsic phenotypic chara...
Ocean acidification (OA) has important effects on the intrinsic phenotypic characteristics of many marine organisms. Concomitantly, OA can alter the extended phenotypes of these... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Arsenic accumulation of Crassostrea angulata...
Proteomic analysis was performed to compare the effects of Arsenic (As), seawater acidification (Low pH) and the combination of both stressors (Low pH + As) on Crassostrea... -
Functional analysis of a tyrosinase gene involved in early larval shell bioge...
The formation of the primary shell is a vital process in marine bivalves. Ocean acidification largely influences shell formation. It has been reported that enzymes involved in... -
Effects of ocean acidification caused by rising CO2 on the early development ...
Increasing atmospheric CO2 can decrease seawater pH and carbonate ions, which may adversely affect the larval survival of calcareous animals. In this study, we simulated future... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and larval growth response of the Portuguese oys...
Rising anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolving into coastal waters is decreasing the pH and carbonate ion concentration, thereby lowering the saturation state of calcium...