Lack of GxE suggests limited potential for evolutionary changes in plasticity...
We assess the physiological and transcriptomics response of C. virginica, eastern oysters, raised in common garden at two Louisiana, USA estuaries naturally differing in... -
Crassostrea virginica Transcriptome or Gene expression
Transcriptome data of Crassostrea virginica. -
Eastern oyster response to bacteria in larval stages.
Oysters are described as keystone species serving an important ecological role. As filter-feeders they help in maintaining water quality. Oyster reefs provide refuge and support... -
Expressed Exome Capture Sequencing (EecSeq): a method for cost-effective exom...
Exome capture is an effective tool for surveying the genome for loci under selection. However, traditional methods require an annotated genome and/or transcriptome. Here, we... -
Effects of crude oil on DNA methylation in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea vi...
In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig run by British Petroleum (BP) suffered a catastrophic failure, releasing over four million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The oil... -
Genome-wide analysis of acute low salinity tolerance in the eastern oyster Cr...
As the global demand for seafood increases, research into the genetic basis of traits that can increase aquaculture production is critical. The eastern oyster (Crassostrea... -
Synergistic effects of temperature and salinity on the gene expression and ph...
RNAseq data from oysters collected from a historically low salinity site in Louisiana, were exposed to fully crossed temperature (20°C and 30°C) and salinity (25, 15, and 7 PSU)... -
Ocean acidification pathogen challenge oyster
RNASeq data from pathogen and OA stress Eastern Oyster -
ddRAD of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
Genome-wide analysis of natural and restored eastern oyster populations reveals local adaptation and positive impacts of planting frequency and broodstock number -
Crassostrea Transcriptome or Gene expression
Transcriptomic response to Perkinsus marinus in two Crassostrea oysters reveals evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions -
Crassostrea virginica Transcriptome
Transcriptome Analysis of Eastern Oyster’s Response to Air Exposure and Cold Stress -
Understanding Crassostrea virginica tolerance of Perkinsus marinus through gl...
Disease tolerance, a host's ability to limit damage from a given parasite burden, is quantified by the relationship between pathogen load and host survival or reproduction.... -
Texas Oyster Mitochondrion Sequencing
The goal of this study was to reconstruct the oyster mitochondrial genome from pooled ezRAD sequencing and investigate population structure in the Gulf of Mexico. -
Oyster temperature stress 2013
Gene expression analysis of acute temperature stress using RNA-seq of Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginia). -
oyster hemolymph transcriptomes challenged with Perkinsus marinus and apoptos...
Pooled eastern oyster hemolymph from a mixture of selectively bred families (VIMS) was challenged in triplicate with filtered sterile seawater (FSSW) (control), Perkinsus... -
Eastern oyster genome resequencing for SNP discovery and array development
The eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica is a major aquaculture species for the United States. The Eastern Oyster Breeding Consortium (EOBC) was formed to advance genetics and... -
Crassostrea virginica Raw sequence reads
A study examining both DNA methylation and gene expression responses in the mantle tissue of adult C. virginica exposed to experimental ocean acidification (OA). The aim of this... -
Crassostrea virginica Raw sequence reads
Total RNA was isolated from the digestive gland and gill tissue of multiple C. virginica collected at sites along the Mississippi and Alabama coast of the Gulf of Mexico during... -
Crassostrea virginica transcriptome ocean acidification reciprocal transplant
This sequencing data was derived from larval Crassostrea virginica exposed to control conditions or ocean acidification conditions and then followed up with a reciprocal... -
Seascape genomics of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) along the Atlanti...
Seascape genomics of eastern oyster in Canadian Maritimes.