Alkanoic acid composition of marine and terrestrial sedimentary archives from...
The dataset comprises alkanoic acids composition data that was obtained on sediment samples from sub-Antarctic South Georgia. The sediments were collected from a range of... -
Alkanol composition of marine and terrestrial sedimentary archives from sub-A...
The dataset comprises alkanol composition data that was obtained on sediment samples from sub-Antarctic South Georgia. The sediments were collected from a range of different... -
N-alkane composition of marine and terrestrial sedimentary archives from sub-...
The dataset comprises N-alkane composition data that was obtained on sediment samples from sub-Antarctic South Georgia. The sediments were collected from a range of different... -
Elemental composition of marine and terrestrial sedimentary archives from sub...
The dataset comprises elemental data that was obtained on sediment samples from sub-Antarctic South Georgia. The sediments were collected from a range of different sites,... -
Compound-specific 14C isotope composition in marine and terrestrial sedimenta...
The dataset comprises radiocarbon (14C) data that was obtained on sediment samples from sub-Antarctic South Georgia. The sediments were collected from a range of different... -
Carbonate accumulation rate calculation derived from previously published car...
Compilation of carbonate content data for the five sites of the Leg 154, Ceara Rise, tropical Atlantic (Initial report, https://doi.org/10.2973/odp.proc.ir.154.1995, Curry et... -
Carbonate content analyses and accumulation rate data for the marine isotopic...
Total carbon measurement (LECO CS744 elemental analyser, Bremen University). The analyses were performed by heating 0.1 g of homogenised material in a ceramic dish and measuring... -
Fish biomass data during Alkor cruise AL608
This data set includes fish biomass data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL608 conducted in March 2024 in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg. The cruise... -
Fish length data during Alkor cruise AL608
This data set includes fish length data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL608 conducted in March 2024 in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg. The cruise was... -
Body measurements of Merlangius merlangus during Alkor cruise AL608
This data set includes single fish whiting data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL608 conducted in March 2024 in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg. The... -
Body measurements of Gadus morhua during Alkor cruise AL608
This data set includes single fish cod data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL608 conducted in March 2024 in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg. The cruise... -
Physical oceanography during Alkor cruise AL608
This data set comprises unprocessed CTD data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL608 conducted in March 2024 in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg. The... -
Trace elements (As, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, U) at IODP Site U1417 sediments
This dataset compiles XRF trace metal data from sediments from IODP Site U1417 (this dataset) and basement material from DSDP Site 178 (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.975180; ~1.5 km... -
Coarse and small fraction carbonate content and accumulation rate from Miocen...
Coarse and small fraction carbonate content and accumulation rate from Miocene to Quaternary, at site 927. The table contains the quantity of less than 32 µm sediment on the... -
Physical oceanography during Alkor cruise AL540
This data set comprises unprocessed CTD data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL540 conducted in July 2020 (July 21st to July 31st 2020) in the Western Baltic Sea by the... -
Physical oceanography during Alkor cruise AL539
This data set comprises unprocessed CTD data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL539 conducted in July 2020 (July 5th to July 18th 2020) in the Western Baltic Sea by the... -
SeaRanger 2024: Monitoring data recorded during RV ALKOR cruise AL607 - Gadus...
This data contains monitoring data of the RV ALKOR cruise AL607 conducted in February 2024 (February 10th – February 16th) in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of... -
Winter cod 2024: Monitoring data recorded during RV ALKOR cruise AL606 - Gadu...
This data contains monitoring data of the RV ALKOR cruise AL606 conducted in January 2024 (January 22nd – January 30th) in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg.... -
Body measurements of Gadus morhua during Alkor cruise AL598
This data set includes single fish cod data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL598 conducted in July/August 2023 (27th of July to 6th of August) in the Western Baltic Sea by... -
Fish length data during Alkor cruise AL598
This data set comprises all fish length data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL598 conducted in July/August 2023 (27th of July to 6th of August) in the Western Baltic Sea...