Determination of the H-H bond lenght of H2/CuBTC MOF (SANDALS)
The rotational line of hydrogen is very clearly measured with TOSCA. For the past few years I have noticed that the changes in the position of the rotational line do not follow... -
Hot stick commissioning for CCR
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Role of acidic silanols and Brønsted acid sites in hierarchically porous SAPO...
The commercially important polymer Nylon 6 is manufactured by ring-opening polymerization of eta-caprolactam. Industrially, eta-caprolactam is conventionally made by the... -
Negative muon spin rotation and relaxation for MgB2
In order to show a potential power of a negative muon spin rotation and relaxation (mu-SR) technique for observing local magnetic environments, we here want to propose a mu-SR... -
SANS and SESANS an ideal combination for Photonic materials
In this proposal we request time to characterise some novel colloidal particles that cannot be characterised with other approaches. These are believed to be raspberry... -
Low-energy spin dynamics of a quantum analogue of ice
Quantum spin liquids are exotic states of magnetic matter in which conventional magnetic ordering is suppressed. Magnetic analogues of ice are good candidates to observe this... -
Dynamics of Correlated Proton Tunneling in Ice
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Alloxan - a high density organic under pressure
Organic molecular crystal structures have densities that are typically in the range 1.2-1.4 gcm-3 although these can be increased, in general, to ca. 2.0 GPa through application... -
Structural Phase Characterisation of Iron Stone Objects from the Excavation s...
We propose to determine the mineral phase composition in 15 iron stone samples from the Tall Bazi excavation site in Syria. The results of this investigation will be compared... -
Copy of: Characterization of Indo-Persian blades of the Wallace Collection
This experiment is a continuation of a previous one aiming to analyse the composition and microstructure of Indo-Persian swords and daggers of the Wallace Collection whose... -
How do modifiers affect performance in iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts?
The applicants have recently completed a series of INS studies on a model iron Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. Given the recent huge invigoration of F-T catalysis due to future global... -
Commissioning of electrochemical cell for neutron scattering: In-situ study o...
There is an urgent need for to provide energy storage solutions in order for the world to switch form it's reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy. This will allow us to... -
A high resolution cooled neutron radiography camera on INES
Grazzi, Scherillo and Zoppicon 1) have for the first time demonstrated the feasibility of neutron radiography on a pulsed source at INES, using a simple CCD camera. To permit... -
Investigating the effect of pore structure upon interactions of hydrogen with...
Three MOFs samples with high hydrogen storage capacities at 77K, and high surface area, are willing to be analyzed. In order to investigate hydrogen interactions within the... -
investigation of the lithiation state of 100µm (disc with d=8mm) Sn/Ni on Cu ...
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Neutron Diffraction Analysis of the Crystallography of Early Scientific Instr...
Early scientific instruments are typically made of latten, a quaternary copper alloy (Cu, Zn, Sn, Pb) with many trace elements. The crystallographic structure depends on the... -
CHRONUS Commissioning
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Determination of binary calibration curves for Neutron Resonance Capture Anal...
Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA) is a valid and effective experimental tool for the elemental analysis of objects (e.g. the metallic ones), especially those of... -
Investigation of the low temperature magnetic order in Cu nitrate
The aim of this proposal is to study the field induced magnetically ordered phase of the quasi 1D spin system copper nitrate. We plan to study the integrated intensities of the... -
Investigating the interactions of H2 with high capacity metal-organic framewo...
An interesting family of Cu (II)-framework (NOTT100 series) has been synthesized at the University of Nottingham by the group of research of Martin Schröder. Earlier studies on...