27 datasets found

Keywords: Cummings

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  • Mixed surfactants for positive synergism in dense CO2

    This proposal aims to explore a cheaper and more environmental-benign surfactant system for yielding efficient water/CO2 microemulsions. The new surfactants permit high...
  • Mixed micelles with "green" surfactants

    This proposal aims to explore aqueous phase structures and compositions of a series of mixed surfactants. Although standard surfactant mixtures have been extensively studied...
  • Concentrated emulsions as proxy CO2 thickeners

    The proposal aims to explore the oil-in-water (brine) high internal phase emulsion systems (HIPEs) formed by nonylphenol ethoxylate surfactants using contrast variation SANS...
  • Surfactant ionic liquids as tuneable structured media

    This proposal aims to explore aqueous phase structures of a new range of ionic liquid surfactants (IL-surfs). These IL-surfs have interesting potential applications as reaction...
  • Nonfluorous Cosurfactant/Hyperbranched Surfactant Mixtures for W/CO2 Microemu...

    This proposal aims to explore cheap and environmental-benign cosurfactants (or cosolvents) for yielding CO2-philic hydrocarbon surfactant/water/CO2 microemulsions (W/CO2...
  • Solventless protein liquids: a novel form of biological matter

    Solventless protein liquids (SPLS) represent a novel form of biological matter. Recently we reported on the preparation and properties of a solvent-free liquid protein based on...
  • Dispersed lamellar phases in dense CO2

    This proposal aims to explore these dispersed lamellar phases with a variety of F7H4 derivatives,to help understand their formation in supercritical CO2 (sc-CO2). The focus is...
  • Mixed surfactants for dialable organogels

    The idea is to be able to ¿dial-up¿ the length and properties of CO2-philic and organo-philic rod-like micelles. This proposal aims to explore mixed surfactant systems in...
  • Bi-disperse colloids: silica and microemulsions

    Surprisingly little work has been done to gain understanding about the nature, stability and properties of nanoparticles dispersed in organic solvents (organosols). Recently...
  • Micellar modifiers for CO2

    This proposal focuses on a new approach to the formation of rod-like micelles in supercritical CO2 (scCO2). Recent successful high-pressure SANS (HP-SANS) results have shown for...
  • Gold-loaded microgels

    Recent results show that gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) can be included into microgels (MGs). UV-visible spectra (Figure 1) suggest the original Au-NP sols retain their size and...
  • Opening up microemulsion phases in CO2

    New types of water-in-CO2 microemulsions using mixed surfactant systems will be investigated by high-pressure SANS (HP-SANS). Exciting new results (see report on RB820030) have...
  • Close control over microemulsion stability using blended solvents

    The aim of this proposal is to investigate a novel approach to phase separation in microemulsions using careful choice of organic solvents, and appropriate mixtures....
  • Organogels for applications in CO2

    This proposal aims to explore organogel systems, like those recently decsribed1-3, but made from new CO2 philic surfactant-gelators. These have been synthesised to feature...
  • Are hydrotropes a unique class of solutes?

    The aim is to improve understanding of solution properties and aggregation of hydrotropes and alkyl¿hydrotropes, and the relationship with common surfactants. Although they are...
  • Structural evolution - hydrotrope to surfactant

    The aim is to improve understanding about combinations of normal surfactants and hydrotropes in aqueous systems. This is to support our recent work with but in non-aqueous...
  • Polymer-induced critical pase separation

    This proposal concerns a novel approach to phase separation in self-assembling colloidal systems. Microemulsions can be readily formulated to display critical-type phase...
  • Gels in CO2

    The proposal aims to explore different self-assembly structures in CO2 with the focus of developing viscosity modifiers for supercritical CO2 (sc-CO2). This is part of a...
  • Photo-reactive surfactants for nanoparticle generation

    The aim is to employ contrast variation CV-SANS to investigate structure in novel systems used to generate metal-containing nanoparticles on organic solvents by UV irradiation....
  • Do hydrotropes stabilize, or destabilize, micelles?

    The aim is to investigate and understand interactions of hydrotropes (primitive amphiphiles) with a new range of industrially important non-ionic surfactants, alkyl-capped...
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