Inequality, fairness and social capital [Dataset]
Inequality is often associated with negative societal consequences, but identifying a causal relationship is a daunting task. We provide evidence on the impact of unjust... -
Implementing (Un)fair Procedures: Containing Favoritism When Unequal Outcomes...
We study the selection of people when unequal payoffs are inevitable, but fair procedures are feasible, as in selecting one person from several candidates for a job. We show... -
Process fairness, outcome fairness, and dynamic consistency: experimental evi...
Literature on fairness preferences distinguishes between outcome fairness, concerning the final allocation of payoffs, and process fairness, concerning the expected allocation... -
On the role of social wage comparisons in gift-exchange experiments [Dataset]
This study extends a bilateral gift-exchange experiment by Clark et al. (2010). We investigate how the provision of either quantitative or qualitative information on the average...