Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Granulometry of surface sediments in tenth phi classes from the North Sea NE ...
Data are given in volume percentage; samples treated with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid; error is < 1%. -
Reflection seismic profiles of Belgica cruise BG07/13 with links to tra files
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Reflection seismic profiles of Belgica cruise BG05/12 with links to tra files
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_SOS1900-1 on the North Catalan margin
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_SOS1000-1 on the North Catalan margin
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_CLD300-1 at Lacaze-Duthiers submari...
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_CLD1500-3 at Lacaze-Duthiers submar...
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_CLD1000-3 at Lacaze-Duthiers submar...
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_CCC300 at Cap de Creus submarine ca...
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_CCC1900-1 at Cap de Creus submarine...
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_CCC1500-1 at Cap de Creus submarine...
This dataset has no description
Results of sediment trap deployment HERM1_CCC1000-4 at Cap de Creus submarine...
This dataset has no description