Getuigen Verhalen, Kamp Amersfoort, interview 017
Geïnterviewde (1925) zijn vader had medicijnen gestudeerd en werd huisarts in Beverwijk, Velsen-Noord. Geïnterviewde zat aan het begin van de oorlog op school. De rector werd in... -
Professional education and studies in the former German Democratic Republic (...
Die vorliegende Datenkompilation schließt an die ZA-Studie 8241, „Das Bildungssystem der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) von 1950 bis 1989“ von Claude Diebolt... -
Schools and Universities in the German Democratic Republic, 1949 – 1989
The Study’s context With the publication of this data manual on education in the former GDR, the publication series of data manuals on German Education History, funded by the... -
Courses of Life and Historical Change in East Germany (Life History Study LV ...
Detailed information and judgements on courses of life in the areas family, education and employment. Topics: 1. Family origin of target person: social origin; information on... -
Zeitzeug:inneninterviews: "Orte der (Un-)Sichtbarkeit"
16 halbstandardisierte, leitfadengestütze, narrative Interviews mit DDR-Zeitzeug:innen im Drittmittelprojekt "Orte der (Un-)Sichtbarkeit" (2021-2023). ...