Ternary oxides of s- and p-block metals for photocatalytic solar-to-hydrogen ...
Oxides containing metals or semimetals from the p-block of the periodic table, e.g., indium oxide or antimony oxide, are of interest as transparent conductors and light... -
Flat-band hybridization between f and d states near the Fermi energy of SmCoIn₅
We present high-quality angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) and density functional theory calculations (DFT+U) of SmCoIn₅. We find broad agreement with previously published... -
Rare-earth atoms on Nb(110) as a platform to engineer topological superconduc...
Our study reveals how Gd adatoms and dimers on a superconducting Nb(110) surface induce Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states, offering valuable insights into magnetic interactions of... -
Stabilization of oxygen vacancy ordering and electrochemical-proton-insertion...
Promoting hydrogen (H) insertion into and extraction from metal oxides plays a crucial role in tuning their properties. In our recent work, we found that the oxygen vacancy... -
Orbital-resolved DFT+U for molecules and solids
We present an orbital-resolved extension of the Hubbard U correction to density-functional theory (DFT). Compared to the conventional shell-averaged approach, the prediction of... -
Interplay between ferroelectricity and metallicity in hexagonal YMnO₃
We use first-principles density functional theory to investigate how the polar distortion is affected by doping in multiferroic hexagonal yttrium manganite, h-YMnO₃. While the... -
Emergent half-metal with mixed structural order in (111)-oriented (LaMnO₃)₂ₙ|...
Using first-principles techniques, we study the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of (111)-oriented (LaMnO₃)₂ₙ|(SrMnO₃)ₙ superlattices of varying thickness... -
On-site and inter-site Hubbard corrections in magnetic monolayers: The case o...
Hubbard-corrected density-functional theory has proven to be successful in addressing self-interaction errors in 3D magnetic materials. However, the effectiveness of this... -
The role of oxidizing conditions in the dispersion of supported platinum nano...
Achieving fine control over the dispersion of supported platinum nanoparticles (Pt) is a promising avenue to enhance their catalytic activity and selectivity. Experimental... -
Systematic determination of a material’s magnetic ground state from first pri...
We present a self-consistent method based on first-principles calculations to determine the magnetic ground state of materials, regardless of their dimensionality. Our... -
Understanding the role of Hubbard corrections in the rhombohedral phase of Ba...
We present a first-principles study of the low-temperature rhombohedral phase of BaTiO₃ using Hubbard-corrected density-functional theory. By employing density-functional... -
Noncollinear DFT+U and Hubbard parameters with fully-relativistic ultrasoft p...
The magnetic, noncollinear parametrization of Dudarev's DFT+U method is generalized to fully-relativistic ultrasoft pseudopotentials. We present the definition of the DFT+U... -
Charge fluctuations in the intermediate-valence ground state of SmCoIn₅
The microscopic mechanism of heavy band formation, relevant for unconventional superconductivity in CeCoIn₅ and other Ce-based heavy fermion materials, depends strongly on the... -
Polaron hopping through piecewise-linear functionals
We use piecewise-linear functionals to study the polaron energy landscape and hopping rates in 𝜷-Ga₂O₃, which we adopt as an example of an anisotropic material hosting multiple... -
Pivotal role of intersite Hubbard interactions in Fe-doped α-MnO₂
We present a first-principles investigation of the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the pristine and Fe-doped α-MnO₂ using density-functional theory with... -
Exploring DFT+U parameter space with a Bayesian calibration assisted by Marko...
Density-functional theory is widely used to predict the physical properties of materials. However, it usually fails for strongly correlated materials. A popular solution is to... -
Optimizing accuracy and efficacy in data-driven materials discovery for the s...
The production of hydrogen fuels, via water splitting, is of practical relevance for meeting global energy needs and mitigating the environmental consequences of... -
Relative Stability of Near-Surface Oxygen Vacancies at the CeO2 (111) Surface...
The effects of Zr doping on the stability of the CeO2(111) surface as a function of the dopant concentration and distribution, as well as on the relative stability of surface... -
Hubbard-corrected density functional perturbation theory with ultrasoft pseud...
We present in full detail a newly developed formalism enabling density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) calculations from a DFT+U ground state. The implementation includes... -
Hubbard U through polaronic defect states
Since the preliminary work of Anisimov and co-workers, the Hubbard corrected DFT+U functional has been used for predicting properties of correlated materials by applying on-site...