GRACE-FO Geopotential GAD Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that are zero over the continents, and provide the anomalous simulated ocean bottom pressure that includes non-tidal air and water contributions... -
GRACE Geopotential GAC Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent the sum of the ATM (or GAA) and OCN (or GAB) coefficients during the specified timespan. These coefficients represent anomalous... -
GRACE-FO Geopotential GAC Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent the sum of the ATM (or GAA) and OCN (or GAB) coefficients during the specified timespan. These coefficients represent anomalous... -
GRACE Geopotential GAD Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that are zero over the continents, and provide the anomalous simulated ocean bottom pressure that includes non-tidal air and water contributions... -
GRACE Geopotential GAB Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent anomalous contributions of the non-tidal dynamic ocean to ocean bottom pressure during the specified timespan. The anomalous... -
GRACE-FO Geopotential GAA Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent anomalous contributions of the non-tidal atmosphere to the Earth's mean gravity field during the specified timespan. This includes... -
GRACE-FO Geopotential GAB Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent anomalous contributions of the non-tidal dynamic ocean to ocean bottom pressure during the specified timespan. The anomalous... -
GRACE Geopotential GAA Coefficients GFZ RL06
Spherical harmonic coefficients that represent anomalous contributions of the non-tidal atmosphere to the Earth's mean gravity field during the specified timespan. This includes...