Counts of seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna during POLARSTERN crui...
Please note: Abstract created by PANGAEA data editor using Jungblut et al. (2017). Marine top predators (seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna) were counted during... -
Counts of seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna during POLARSTERN crui...
Please note: Abstract created by PANGAEA data editor using Jungblut et al. (2017). Marine top predators (seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna) were counted during... -
Counts of seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna during POLARSTERN crui...
Please note: Abstract created by PANGAEA data editor using Jungblut et al. (2017). Marine top predators (seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna) were counted during... -
Counts of seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna during POLARSTERN crui...
Please note: Abstract created by PANGAEA data editor using Jungblut et al. (2017). Marine top predators (seabirds, marine mammals and other megafauna) were counted during... -
Delphinus delphis Genome sequencing and assembly and multi-tissue Transcriptome
Assembly a chromosome level genome of Delphinus delphis -
Definition of functional regulatory regions in the vast non-coding fractions of mammalian genomes remains a daunting challenge that underscores our limited understanding of... -
Delphinus delphis (saddleback dolphin), genomic and transcriptomic data
This project collects the genomic and transcriptomic data generated for Delphinus delphis, common name saddleback dolphin, to facilitate genome assembly and annotation as part... -
Target sequence capture of 3191 genes in Cetaceans
These correspond to Illumina raw reads derived from a target sequence capture project designed to capture 3,191 genes from cetaceans and outgroups for use in a comparative... -
Observatoire Pelagis - Reseau National Echouage (French stranding network) st...
<p>The French stranding network is co-ordinated by the Joint Service Unit PELAGIS, UAR 3462, University of La Rochelle-CNRS, dedicated to monitoring marine mammal and... -
Cetacean sightings of PELACUS surveys: Continental shelf of Galicia and Bay o...
<p>This dataset provides access to cetacean sighting records collected throughout the historical series of PELACUS surveys, from 2007 to 2022.</p><p>The... -
Happywhale - Short-beaked Common Dolphin in North Atlantic Ocean
<p>Happywhale.com is a resource to help you know whales as individuals, and to benefit conservation science with rich data about individual whales. </p> -
RNA-Seq analysis of gene expression divergence in mammalian liver
The connection between evolution of regulatory elements and downstream gene expression is incompletely understood in mammals. We carried out a large-scale comparison of matched... -
Small Cetaceans in the European Atlantic and North Sea (SCANS II) - 2005
Sightings SCANS-II, shipboard data -
Ionian Sea mega-fauna monitoring employing a sailing vessel along random trac...
In June 2008 Gaia Research Institute Onlus started a systematic survey of mega-fauna in the Northern Eastern Ionian Sea, in cooperation with the researchers of the Life and... -
Presenza di cetacei rilevata con monitoraggio lungo transetti fissi attravers...
The dataset provided here consists of sighting data of marine mammals collected between January 2014 and December 2018, along the ferry route between Italy and Spain, within the... -
genome sequencing and assembly of six dolphins
Genome sequencing of Tursiops aduncus, Stenella coeruleoalba, Stenella attenuata, Delphinus delphis, Sousa chinensis and Grampus griseus -
Raw sequence reads from Danish species
Raw reads from samples of danish species, sequenced with the purpose of assembling mito genomes for future references. -
Acoustic detections in Northeast and South Atlantic
<p>Abstract: Acoustic detections of odontocetes from over 30,000km of survey effort from the Arctic, Atlantic, Southern and Indian Oceans, using a streamlined workflow for... -
Mitochondrial heteroplasmy in vertebrates using ChIP-sequencing data
Mitochondrial heteroplasmy, the presence of more than one mtDNA variant in a cell or individual is not as uncommon as previously thought. It is mostly due to the high mutation... -
Presenza di cetacei e tartarughe marine nel Golfo di Catania, Sicilia orienta...
Data on population size, structure, behavior and distribution of cetaceans and sea turtles in eastern Sicily, Ionian Sea, collected by expert observers of the MareCamp...