Data on cetacean occurrence collected during the project \"EMBLAS-Plus, Impro...
The dataset contains information collected within the EMBLAS-Plus Project on the occurrence of the cetaceans in the north-western part of the Black Sea including photo... -
Cetacean bycatches in the northern Black Sea
A total of 648 incidental catches of Black Sea cetaceans in fishing gear have been recorded in the northern Black Sea off the coasts of Crimea between 1997 and 2009. -
Cetacean sightings in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov and Kerch Strait
Over 645 sightings of cetacean groups (of one and more individuals) have been recorded in the Black Sea, Azov Sea and Kerch Strait during the period from 1993 to 2010 inclusive. -
Cetacean strandings in the northern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
More than 1220 strandings of Black Sea cetaceans have been recorded on the coasts of Crimea peninsula during the period from 1989-2010. -
Cetaceans sightings by boat 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Cetaceans sightings from shore 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Green Balkans NGO's cetacean strandings on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
<p>Cetaceans' strandings along Bulgarian Black Sea coast compiled and recorded within Green Balkans NGO's Cetacean Monitoring and Conservation Program.</p> -
Cetaceans sightings by boat 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Data on cetacean occurrence collected during the project "EMBLAS-Plus, Improv...
The dataset contains information collected within the EMBLAS-Plus Project on the occurrence of the cetaceans in the north-western part of the Black Sea including photo... -
Cetacean sightings in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov and Kerch Strait
Over 645 sightings of cetacean groups (of one and more individuals) have been recorded in the Black Sea, Azov Sea and Kerch Strait during the period from 1993 to 2010 inclusive. -
Cetaceans sightings from shore 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Cetacean bycatches in the northern Black Sea
A total of 648 incidental catches of Black Sea cetaceans in fishing gear have been recorded in the northern Black Sea off the coasts of Crimea between 1997 and 2009. -
Cetacean strandings in the northern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
More than 1220 strandings of Black Sea cetaceans have been recorded on the coasts of Crimea peninsula during the period from 1989-2010. -
Data on cetacean occurrence collected during the project "EMBLAS-Plus, Improv...
The dataset contains information collected within the EMBLAS-Plus Project on the occurrence of the cetaceans in the north-western part of the Black Sea including photo... -
Cetacean sightings in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov and Kerch Strait
Over 645 sightings of cetacean groups (of one and more individuals) have been recorded in the Black Sea, Azov Sea and Kerch Strait during the period from 1993 to 2010 inclusive. -
Cetaceans sightings from shore 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Cetacean bycatches in the northern Black Sea
A total of 648 incidental catches of Black Sea cetaceans in fishing gear have been recorded in the northern Black Sea off the coasts of Crimea between 1997 and 2009. -
Cetacean strandings in the northern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
More than 1220 strandings of Black Sea cetaceans have been recorded on the coasts of Crimea peninsula during the period from 1989-2010. -
Cetaceans sightings by boat 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Cetacean strandings in the northern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
More than 1220 strandings of Black Sea cetaceans have been recorded on the coasts of Crimea peninsula during the period from 1989-2010.