Demersais survey in the Azores between 1996 and 2013
Demersal surveys performed with bottom longline during research cruises around Azorean islands and several seamounts. Surveys conducted annually (few exceptions) from 1996 to 2013. -
HMAP Dataset 17: North Sea Demersal Fish
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to the UK North Sea demersal fishery. The data covers the time period 1920-1997. -
HMAP Dataset 16: Peru, South-east Pacific
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to four demersal species fished off Peru (hake, seabass, croaker and searobin) since 1950. -
Trophic interactions at the sediment-water interface: effect of beam-trawling...
The direct effect of beam-trawling on sub- and intertidal <i>Lanice conchilega</i> reefs and associated fauna will be assessed by means of an <i>in... -
HMAP Dataset 17: North Sea Demersal Fish
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to the UK North Sea demersal fishery. The data covers the time period 1920-1997. -
HMAP Dataset 16: Peru, South-east Pacific
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to four demersal species fished off Peru (hake, seabass, croaker and searobin) since 1950. -
Trophic interactions at the sediment-water interface: effect of beam-trawling...
The direct effect of beam-trawling on sub- and intertidal <i>Lanice conchilega</i> reefs and associated fauna will be assessed by means of an <i>in... -
Demersais survey in the Azores between 1996 and 2013
Demersal surveys performed with bottom longline during research cruises around Azorean islands and several seamounts. Surveys conducted annually (few exceptions) from 1996 to 2013. -
HMAP Dataset 16: Peru, South-east Pacific
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to four demersal species fished off Peru (hake, seabass, croaker and searobin) since 1950. -
Demersais survey in the Azores between 1996 and 2013
Demersal surveys performed with bottom longline during research cruises around Azorean islands and several seamounts. Surveys conducted annually (few exceptions) from 1996 to 2013. -
HMAP Dataset 17: North Sea Demersal Fish
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to the UK North Sea demersal fishery. The data covers the time period 1920-1997. -
Trophic interactions at the sediment-water interface: effect of beam-trawling...
The direct effect of beam-trawling on sub- and intertidal <i>Lanice conchilega</i> reefs and associated fauna will be assessed by means of an <i>in... -
HMAP Dataset 17: North Sea Demersal Fish
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to the UK North Sea demersal fishery. The data covers the time period 1920-1997. -
Demersais survey in the Azores between 1996 and 2013
Demersal surveys performed with bottom longline during research cruises around Azorean islands and several seamounts. Surveys conducted annually (few exceptions) from 1996 to 2013. -
Trophic interactions at the sediment-water interface: effect of beam-trawling...
The direct effect of beam-trawling on sub- and intertidal <i>Lanice conchilega</i> reefs and associated fauna will be assessed by means of an <i>in... -
HMAP Dataset 16: Peru, South-east Pacific
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to four demersal species fished off Peru (hake, seabass, croaker and searobin) since 1950. -
Replication Data for: Beyond connecting the dots: A multi-scale, multi-resolu...
This dataset consists of five zipped folders: Final_habitatmaps_physiotopes.zip: This folder contains the raster (tif) files in ETRS89 UTM31 projection of the final habitat and... -
Replication Data for: North Sea demersal fisheries prefer specific benthic ha...
Data files for the paper: van der Reijden et al. (2018). North Sea demersal fisheries prefer specific benthic habitats, PLoS One. Data consists of grid and shape files, and is...