Supplemental Data of: Functioning in Schizophrenia from the Perspective of Ps...
Raw data from the study Functioning in Schizophrenia from the Perspective of Psychologists: A Worldwide Study. The study aimed to explore the content validity of the... -
Expert perspective on functioning in schizophrenia: Integrated data from six ...
The dataset shows individual responses to the last round of a Delphi study with health professionals. The study aims to evaluate the content validity of the ICF-CSs for... -
Microcensus Ad-Hoc-Module 'Employment of disabled people' 2011 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. In addition to the core variables of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey (LFS), the LFS also has so-called ad-hoc-modules (AHM) that can vary... -
Mikrocensus 2002, 2. quarter: Utilisation of PC and Internet, Impairments and...
More than 37 million handicapped people live in the European Union. The Council of Europe has declared the year 2003 the European year of handicapped people to give them a... -
Viennese Health- and Social Survey 2001
To record the medical condition of the Viennese public thoroughly for the first time, the city of Vienna has commissioned the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) to plan and... -
Mikrocensus 1978, 3. quarter: International Survey on Circumstances in Life (...
As the title international survey on the circumstances in life (Internationale Erhebung zur Lebenslage) already expresses, the following survey is Austrias contribution to an... -
Ageing Society 2008
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Mikrocensus 1986, 4. quarter: Physical Disabilities
The Mikrozensus special survey from December 1967 (Mikrozensus MZ6704) revealed that about 1.5 million Austrians suffer from a physical handicap. In December 1986 it is again... -
Mikrocensus 1978, 2. quarter: Job Change, Night- and Shift Work
This Mikrozensus special survey is on the topics job seeking, job change, weekend-, night- and shift work. The deflating economy and the pressing of age groups high in numbers... -
Mikrocensus 1973, 3. quarter: Questions on Health
In the field of health statistics there are numerous data records available but for coping with the increasing tasks of health policies additional information is required.... -
Mikrocensus 1981, 2. quarter: Additional Questions for the Population Census ...
This survey consists of 6 parts: - migration: data on migration, i.e. immigration and emigration of households or individual; this information is important for population... -
Mikrocensus 1976, 4. quarter: Physical Disabilities
The proposal for this special survey results on the one hand from the growing interest of social politics, welfare and medicine in social fringe groups. On the other hand it... -
Mikrocensus 1989, 3. quarter: Sports, Leisure Time, and Domestic Accidents
The social- and health care system is still very interested in accident statistical data since surveys on accidents during sportive activities, recreational time or in the... -
Mikrocensus 1978, 3. quarter: International Survey on Circumstances in Life (...
As the title international survey on the circumstances in life (Internationale Erhebung zur Lebenslage) already expresses, the following survey is Austrias contribution to an... -
Ageing Society 2008
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Mikrocensus 1986, 4. quarter: Physical Disabilities
The Mikrozensus special survey from December 1967 (Mikrozensus MZ6704) revealed that about 1.5 million Austrians suffer from a physical handicap. In December 1986 it is again... -
Mikrocensus 1978, 2. quarter: Job Change, Night- and Shift Work
This Mikrozensus special survey is on the topics job seeking, job change, weekend-, night- and shift work. The deflating economy and the pressing of age groups high in numbers... -
Microcensus Ad-Hoc-Module 'Employment of disabled people' 2011 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. In addition to the core variables of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey (LFS), the LFS also has so-called ad-hoc-modules (AHM) that can vary... -
Mikrocensus 1973, 3. quarter: Questions on Health
In the field of health statistics there are numerous data records available but for coping with the increasing tasks of health policies additional information is required.... -
Mikrocensus 2002, 2. quarter: Utilisation of PC and Internet, Impairments and...
More than 37 million handicapped people live in the European Union. The Council of Europe has declared the year 2003 the European year of handicapped people to give them a...