Five genomes of Bird-of-Paradise Genome sequencing and assembly
We sequenced five genomes of birds-of-paradise to study their evolution of sex chromosomes. -
Comparative analysis of genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profile...
We mapped DNA methylation in 580 animal species (535 vertebrates, 45 invertebrates), resulting in 2443 genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profiles of primary tissue... -
Bird 10,000 Genomes (B10K) Project - Family phase
The Bird 10,000 Genomes (B10K) Project is an initiative to generate representative draft genome sequences from all extant bird species. The B10K project will allow the... -
Gut vertebrate gut archaeal community assessment via archaea-targeting 16S rR...
Commonly used 16S rRNA primers miss much of the archaeal diversity present in the vertebrate gut, leaving open the question of which archaea are host associated, the... -
The DNA Zoo is a consortium focused on facilitating conservation efforts through the rapid generation and release of high-quality genomics resources. -
Dosage compensation of Z sex chromosome genes in avian fibroblast cells
Sex in birds is genetically determined, molecular mechanism of which is not well-understood. Their Z sex chromosome (chrZ) lacks whole chromosome inactivation as known for... -
Transcriptome sequence-based phylogeny of birds
The relationships of the orders of modern birds (Neoaves) are difficult to resolve due to a rapid diversification after the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. In particular, the... -
Subdivision of ancestral scale genetic program underlies origin of feathers a...
Birds and other reptiles possess a diversity of feather and scale-like skin appendages. Feathers are commonly assumed to have originated from ancestral scales in theropod... -
Repetitive DNA in birds
This project aims to characterize the satellite DNAs and general repeated DNAs in birds -
Large scale metagenome assembly reveals novel animal-associated microbial div...
Large-scale metagenome assemblies of human microbiomes have produced a huge catalogue of previously unseen genomic data, but has been applied to only a few of the >66 000...