Replication Data for: Charcoal and pollen analysis: Examples of Holocene fire...
The present study focuses on charcoal particles (a component of vegetal ashes, Bodí et al., 2014) counted during palynological analysis. The absolute frequencies of this... -
Daily gridded soil moisture simulations on a 1 km resolution grid covering Ba...
The dataset contains gridded daily soil moisture simulations for Baden-Württemberg. The simulations were caried out with the hydroloigcal model TRAIN. The TRAIN model was set... -
Standardized Streamflow Index time series for 369 rivers across Europe
There are many ways to characterize the streamflow drought hazard. Recently, the use of anomaly indices, such as the Standardized Streamflow index (SSI), a probability... -
DROP: a DROught Probabilistic near-real time monitoring tool
DROP is a global land gridded dataset to monitoring DROught from Probabilistic approach. This enhances previously available climate datasets, which were static in nature or that... -
Effect of plant-related predictors and drought on sixteen grassland communiti...
We explored the total and pathogenic fungi community of sixteen grassland species affiliated to two plant functional groups (grass and forb) grown as monocultures to assess... -
Data underlying the publication "Within-patch and edge microclimates vary ove...
Temperatures were measured in a small-scale mesocosm (1 m2) experiment during an 8-week period in the summer of 2020, in the Netherlands. The period included a heatwave. Forty... -
Drought intensity dependent effects of co-occurring peat mosses on the stabil...
Peatlands are species poor but rather robust ecosystems. Hence, peatlands challenge biodiversity–ecosystem function theory, which generally links high species diversity to... -
Habitatdynamik, ekologisk konnektivitet och olika udda återhämtningsgrader i ...
In an outdoor mesocosm experiment, we investigated how impacts of drought on boreal stream ecosystems are altered by the spatial arrangement of local habitat patches within... -
Daily gridded soil moisture simulations on a 1 km resolution grid covering Ba...
The dataset contains gridded daily soil moisture simulations for Baden-Württemberg. The simulations were caried out with the hydroloigcal model TRAIN. The TRAIN model was set... -
Standardized Streamflow Index time series for 369 rivers across Europe
There are many ways to characterize the streamflow drought hazard. Recently, the use of anomaly indices, such as the Standardized Streamflow index (SSI), a probability... -
This paper traces the yearly response of gross domestic product growth-both aggregated and disaggregated into its agricultural and non-agricultural components-to four types of... -
Natural and human-influenced hydrological simulations for California
Natural and human-influenced hydrological simulations for California, derived from PCR-GLOBWB (including drought analysis). Data to support figure 1 in Wada, Y., Bierkens, M.... -
Replication Data for: Drought resistance increases from the individual to the...
This file contains the replication data for: Drought resistance increases from the individual to the ecosystem level in highly diverse Neotropical rainforest: a meta-analysis of...