Major and trace elements of the Woniusi rock associations
a FeOT, total iron as FeO, FeOT=FeO+0.9 *Fe2O3. b LOI, loss on ignition. c Mg# = 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fetotal) in atomic ratio. -
(Table S8) Representative trace element composition of garnet 1, sample VT08102
0 = below detection limit. -
(Table S4d) Major and trace element compositions of onshore Taupo Volcanic Zo...
All standard deviations = 2sd. -
(Table S4c) Major and trace element compositions of ODP Hole 181-1123C tephras
All standard deviations = 2sd. -
(Table S4b) Major and trace element compositions of ODP Hole 181-1123B tephras
All standard deviations = 2sd. -
(Table S4a) Major and trace element compositions of ODP Hole 181-1123A tephras
All standard deviations = 2sd. -
(Table S12) Representative trace element composition of different garnet zone...
0 = below detection limit. -
(Table S11) Representative trace element composition of different garnet zone...
0 = below detection limit.