Demmin, Germany (October 2015) - an EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign
The dataset is composed of Hyspex (VNIR/SWIR) hyperspectral imagery acquired during airplane overflights on 01. Oktober, 2015 within the Demmin Research Area. The acquisition... -
Literature based inventory of plant species from four locations along the Chi...
The data consists of four vascular plant species lists, one per study site. The site selection is based on the four study areas of the DFG Priority Program 1803 "EarthShape -... -
Toolik Lake Research Natural Area AISA-Eagle hyperspectral Mosiac
The dataset is composed of aisaEagel hyperspectral imagery acquired during airplane overflights on August 27th, 2016 within the Toolik Lake Natural Research Area on the Alaskan... -
Model output for: “Feeding ten billion people is possible within four terrest...
The netCDF data stored here represent crop production simulations from the LPJmL biosphere model underlying the different steps of the U-turn portrayed in the main paper by... -
ISIMIP2b Simulation Data from Biomes Sector
The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) provides a framework for the collation of a set of consistent, multi-sector, multi-scale climate-impact... -
ISIMIP2a Simulation Data from Biomes Sector (V. 1.1)
VERSION HISTORY:- On April 10, 2018 we renamed some simulation files of impact models LPJ-GUESS, ORCHIDEE, JULES-UoE and VISIT, due to the correction of social scenario label... -
ISIMIP2a Simulation Data from Biomes Sector
The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) provides a framework for the collation of a set of consistent, multi-sector, multi-scale climate-impact... -
Geochemical data on rock weathering along an erodosequence
We provide geochemical background data on the partitioning and cycling of elements between rock, saprolite, soil, plants, and river dissolved and solid loads from at three sites...