Geomagnetic Hpo index (V3.0)
This data publication includes the half-hourly Hp30 and ap30 indices as well as the hourly Hp60 and ap60 indices, collectively denoted as Hpo. This dataset is based on near... -
Geomagnetic Hpo index
This data publication includes the half-hourly Hp30 and ap30 indices as well as the hourly Hp60 and ap60 indices. All are unitless and collectively denoted as Hpo or Hpo index... -
Geomagnetic Hpo index
This data publication includes the half-hourly Hp30 and ap30 indices as well as the hourly Hp60 and ap60 indices, collectively denoted as Hpo. This dataset is based on near... -
ELFIN-L Level 2 EPD (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
ELFIN-L Level 2 Adiabatic Invariants (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigatio...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
ELFIN-L Level 1 EPD (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
ELFIN-L Level 1 ENG (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
An empirical model of electron pitch angle distributions in the outer radiati...
Here, we present an empirical model of the equatorial electron pitch angle distributions, based on the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) instrument aboard the Van... -
ELFIN-L Level 3 EPD (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
HMC Index
The HMC (Hourly Magnetospheric Currents) index measures the activity of large-scale magnetospheric currents on Earth's surface from 1900 to 2015. It resolves the absolute... -
ELFIN-L Level 1 PRM (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
ClassifyStorms - an automated classifier for geomagnetic storm drivers based ...
The software package “ClassifyStorms” version 1.0.1 performs a classification of geomagnetic storms according to their interplanetary driving mechanisms based exclusively on...