ISIMIP2a Simulation Data from Water (global) Sector (V. 1.1)
VERSION HISTORY:-On October 18, 2018 we republished all simulation data for all water (global) sector impact models to get the data sets into the new ESGF search facet... -
ISIMIP2a Simulation Data from Water (global) Sector
The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) provides a framework for the collation of a set of consistent, multi-sector, multi-scale climate-impact... -
3D regional models to test influences of hydraulic boundary conditions on the...
Knowledge of groundwater flow is of high relevance for groundwater management and the planning of different subsurface utilizations such as deep geothermal facilities. While... -
Seismological Monitoring using Interferometric Concepts (SeisMIC)
Monitoring Velocity Changes using Ambient Seismic Noise SeisMIC (Seismological Monitoring using Interferometric Concepts) is a python software that emerged from the miic...