Benthic primary and secondary carbon production in surface sediments during c...
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Benthos abundance and diversity from surface sediments during cruise ECO2-6
Meiobenthic and microphytobenthic abundance from surface sediments divided into major taxonomic groups. Detailed floristic and faunistic lists on request. -
Irradiance measurements along the vertical profile of the water column during...
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Heterotrophic carbon production of planktonic prokaryotes in the water column...
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Grain size composition of surface sediments during cruise ECO2-6
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Physical oceanography during cruise ECO2-6
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Carbon and nitrogen content in surface sediments during cruise ECO2-6
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Bubble velocity results from video bubble experiment during ECO2-6 cruise
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Bubble size results from video bubble experiment during ECO2-6 cruise
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Flux of CO2 gas from the sediments to the overlying water column for the pock...
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Biopolymeric carbon (lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) in surface sediments...
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Water and gas chemistry results from video bubble experiment during cruise EC...
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Benthic chamber chemistry from discrete water samples during cruise ECO2-6
Discrete samples collected in time from benthic chamber to interpret pCO2 sensor test results, and to measure flux of dissolved constituents to the water column. -
Continuous pCO2 monitoring from video bubble experiment during cruise ECO2-6
Continuous pCO2 monitoring results from video bubble experiment using prototype GasPro pCO2 sensor. -
Dissolved CO2 flux from sediments in benthic chamber during cruise ECO2-6
Test results of prototype GasPro pCO2 sensor deployed in benthic chamber to monitor dissolved CO2 flux from sediments. -
Exoenzymatic activities in the water column during cruise ECO2-6
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Physical oceanography from video bubble experiment during cruise ECO2-6
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Plankton abundance and diversity measured on water bottle samples during crui...
Abundance of prokaryotes (heterotrophs and phototrophs), phytoplanktonic and microzooplanktonic abundance divided into major taxonomic groups. Detailed floristic and faunistic... -
Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during cruise ECO2-6
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