Time series (2018) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-�lesund (Svalbard,... -
Time series (2019) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard,... -
Time series (2020) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard,... -
Time series (2019) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard,... -
Time series (2018) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT�The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-�lesund�(Svalbard,... -
Time series (2020) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard,... -
Time series (2017) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-�lesund (Svalbard,... -
Time series (2017) of irradiance in the PAR (photosynthetically active radiat...
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard,... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Turbidity (NTU) data, 2017-2018
This dataset contains turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)) data acquired between July 2017 and July 2018 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial # 215R)... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Turbidity (NTU) data, 2016-2017
This dataset contains turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)) data acquired between September 2016 and February 2017 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial #... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Turbidity (NTU) data, 2015-2016
This dataset contains turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)) data acquired between April 2015 and September 2016 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial # 215R)... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Turbidity (NTU) data, 2013-2014
This dataset contains turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)) data acquired between August 2013 and July 2014 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial # 215R)... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Turbidity (NTU) data, 2012-2013
This dataset contains turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)) data acquired between July 2012 and August 2013 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial # 215R)... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Turbidity (NTU) data, 2011-2012
This dataset contains turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)) data acquired between July 2011 and July 2012 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial # 215R)... -
HELCOM/OSPAR Sweden ports water sampling
<p>This dataset includes the data used in in the HELCOM/OSPAR Ballast Water Exemptions Decision Support Tool. This tool was developed in 2013 based on the overall IMO... -
A Qualitative Study of Lived Experience and Life Courses Following Dam Releas...
This qualitative dataset includes transcripts from interviews with key informants (KII) and focus group discussions (FGDs). Key informants were purposively selected based on... -
Prostorske in okoljske vrednote, 2004
Raziskavo je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo (CPS) na Fakulteti za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani.... -
Prostorske in okoljske vrednote 2004_2018
Prvo raziskavo z naslovom »Prostorske in okoljske vrednote« je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, leta 2004 izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2000/2
Prvo poglavje vprašalnika je slovenski prevod mednarodnega vprašalnika stališč, zaznav in ravnanj na temo ekologije, ADP - IDNo: ISSP00. Drugo poglavje pokriva ADP - IDNo:... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2011/1
Slovensko javno mnenje 2011/1 je sklop raziskav, ki so del serije Slovensko javno mnenje. Je prva od dveh izvedb raziskave v letu 2011. Vprašalnik vključuje 4 vsebinske sklope,...