Britain in the Seventies, 1971
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The purpose of this study was to attempt to describe the attitudes of the British public in early 1971... -
Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2017
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) series began in 1998, and was the successor to the... -
British Election Study, 2017: Face-to-Face Post-Election Survey
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The British Election Study, 2017: Face-to-Face Post-Election Survey (BES) continues the 2015 BES... -
Drivers of Populist Radical Right Support in Britain, 2017-2018
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. These data were collected as the United Kingdom component of the cross-national project Sub-National... -
Welfare State Futures: Our Children's Europe, 2015
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The WelfSOC project examines the aspirations, assumptions and priorities that govern the ideas of... -
Causes and consequences of national variation in employment protection legisl...
Europe’s weak employment performance is often attributed to strict employment protection legislation (EPL). Several governments have therefore tried, albeit with varied success,... -
Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2018
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) series began in 1998, and was the successor to the... -
Quantitative Data on National Parliamentary Activity vis-à-vis the EU 2010-20...
The data indicate the activities of national parliaments vis-à-vis the EU or the period 2010-2012. They include debates on EU matters, questions and other parliamentary... -
Interviews with national parliamentary administrators in the UK re national p...
The interviews focus on the role of the UK parliament in EU affairs since the Lisbon Treaty came into effect in late 2009. They include interviews with parliamentary clerks,... -
Television framing of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum: Coding of fr...
The frames identified in the coverage of the 2014 Scottish referendum are here applied to analyse coverage of the 2016 EU referendum on the BBC's Reporting Scotland daily... -
Unravelling the Mediterranean migration crisis: The MEDMIG project journey data
In 2015 a team of researchers based in Greece, Italy, Turkey and Malta undertook interviews with refugees and migrants as well as stakeholders and observed events of the... -
How states account for failure in Europe, Interview data
The UK team conducted 39 formal face to face interviews in the UK, 4 in France, 8 in Netherlands and 5 in Germany. In addition, we hosted 3 workshops in the UK, which brought... -
The role of regulation in developing biological alternatives to pesticides 20...
Although chemical pesticides have often attracted controversy, viable biological alternatives have been slow to come onto the market. Is this because the regulatory system makes... -
Interviews on Brexit, trade, migration and higher education 2017-2018
This project uses interview data to investigate the implications, implementation and consequences of Brexit for UK universities, including the effects in relation to migration,... -
Euroscepticism: Dimensions, causes and consequences in times of crisis 2019
These data include three nationally representative internet panel surveys conducted in Greece (n=3071), Germany (n=2074) and the UK (n=2106) between 24 and 31 May 2019. There is... -
MPs’ Positions on the UK’s Referendum on European Union Membership, 2016
The data provide details of the positions taken in the UK's 2016 referendum on EU membership by all Labour and Conservative MPs elected to the 2015-17 Parliament, including... -
Young people and Brexit 2017
Data collection consists of nationwide surveys and interviews and discussions with young people. Young People and Brexit is an interdisciplinary study of how young people in the... -
Migrants, minorities and engagement in local civil society 2016-2017
This quantitative analysis was built upon by conducting a series of semi-structured qualitative interviews with A8 migrants about their roles in civil society. These were... -
Fact checking of politically contentious claims 2017-2019
Our study aims to gauge public opinion of claims made around ‘Brexit’ (i.e., Great Britain’s departure from the European Union). In this study, several such claims have been... -
Brexit Twitter data 2017-2019
This is data collected throughout 2017 and 2019 which contains one of a selection of hashtags related to Brexit. The data only contains the tweet id's. The data was collected in...