Standard Errors for Difference-in-Difference Regression (replication data)
All replication code for the above paper. This includes general-purpose R and Stata code, all simulation code, all empirical data sets, and R and Stata code to replicate the... -
Binary endogenous treatment in stochastic frontier models with an application...
This package contains the data files and Matlab scripts to reproduce the empirical application and Monte-Carlo simulations in the paper "Binary endogenous treatment in... -
Fast and reliable jackknife and bootstrap methods for cluster-robust inferenc...
The paper contains three empirical examples. In each case, there is a data file in CSV format, a Stata DO file, and the output file produced by running the DO file. All nine... -
A Proposed Hybrid Effect Size Plus p-Value Criterion. A Comment on Goodman et...
This repository contains the R source code to reproduce the simulation results in the comment by Peter Pütz, Arne Kramer-Sunderbrink, Robin TimDreher, Leona Hoffmann, and Robin... -
Sample size calculation in economic experiments
Clinical studies and economic experiments are often conducted with randomized controlled trials. In clinical studies, power calculations are carried out as a standard. But...