Terminologiska resurser från Försäkringskassan
Internal terminological resources recieved directly from Försäkringskassan by e-mail. Excel files with term lists. One file per language pair, where Swedish is always the... -
Översättningsminnen Konkurrensverket
Translation memories extracted by Tilde (www.tilde.com) from the data i Texts from the Swedish Competition Agency Översättningsminnen utvunna av Tilde (www.tilde.com) ur datan i... -
Översättningsminne från Riksrevisionen
A translation memory received from a translator at the Swedish NAO Översättningsminne mottaget av översättare på Riksrevisionen i december 2017 -
Parallella texter från Försäkringskassan
Forms that have been downloaded from the website (forsakringskassan.se) plus with e-mail templates that were sent to us directly from Försäkringkassan by e-mail. All the files... -
Texter från Pensionsmyndigheten
Parallel texts in form of (orange) reports from the website of the Swedish Pension Authority. Parallel texts downloaded from the website of the Swedish Pension Authority. What... -
Parallella texter från Konkurrensverket
Texts collected from the Swedish Competition Authority's website around March 2018. The texts are yearly reviews and other public information from this authority. Parallel... -
Niederösterreichische Landesentwicklung; Textkommentar 2004
Mehrere Bände: Thema: Niederösterreichische Landesentwicklung Probability Telephone interview -
Euroakzeptanz 2000 (2000-01-11 - 2000-01-16)
Thema: Euroakzeptanz Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Mikrocensus 1995, 1. quarter: Labour Force Survey
This Mikrozensus special survey from March 1995 is the first that was conducted wholly according to international standards. For many years the European Union has obligated its... -
Euroakzeptanz 2000 (2000-03-28 - 2000-03-29)
Thema: Euroakzeptanz Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Mikrocensus 1997, 1. quarter: Labour Force Survey
This Mikrozensus special survey from March 1996 is similar to the ones from previous years - the European Labour Force Survey (LFS). This special program is identical to the one... -
Zukunftsstudie Niederösterreich: Korneuburg 2001
Thema: Zukunftsstudie Niederösterreich, Bezirk: Korneuburg -
Euroakzeptanz 1999 (1999-07-13 - 1999-07-15)
Thema: Euroakzeptanz Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Zukunftsstudie Niederösterreich: Wien Umgebung 2001
Thema: Zukunftsstudie Niederösterreich, Bezirk: Wien Umgebung -
National Transfer Accounts for Austria 2015 (OA edition)
Full edition for public use. National Transfer Accounts measure income by age and gender, its redistribution between age group and genders, and the use of disposable income for... -
Creditanstalt Privatisierung 1997
Thema: CA-Privatisierung Probability Telephone interview -
Mikrocensus 2002, 1. quarter: Labour Force Survey
Since 1983 labour force surveys (LFS) are conducted annually in all European Union (EU) member states. The LFS serve as a basis for internationally compatible (in terms of... -
Informationsdefizite; Textbericht 2000
Mehrere Bände: Thema: Informationsdefizite Probability Face-to-face interview: CAPI -
Nachtrag zu: Euro-Umstellung Betriebsbefragung 2000
Thema: Euro-Umstellung Betriebsbefragung Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Euro-Umstellung Betriebsbefragung 2000
Thema: Euro-Umstellung Betriebsbefragung Probability Telephone interview: CATI