Gender Differences in Haptic Parallelity Matching
Previous studies have reported gender differences in performance when two bars have to be set parallel to each other haptically, with females having significantly larger... -
Combining visual and haptic practice significantly reduced deviations in hapt...
Numerous studies have shown that making two bars parallel to each other in the haptic domain results in (often) large and systematic errors. This is most likely due to the... -
Haptic Parallelity Matching in Children and Adults
Research in adults has shown that performance is not veridical when participants have to set two bars parallel to each other haptically. It is hypothesized that this is due to... -
Influence of action video gaming on spatial representation in the haptic moda...
Spatial representation in the haptic domain has been shown to be prone to systematic errors. When participants are asked to make two bars haptically parallel, their performance... -
Changing the influence of the egocentric reference frame impacts deviations i...
The large systematic deviations in haptic parallelity matching are most likely due to the biasing influence of the hand-centered egocentric reference frame. Previous results...