Test measurement of double exchange within a ferromangetic Fe7 molecule by INS
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Investigation of crystal field excitations in RRh3 (R=Pr and Nd) compounds
To determine the crystal fields of hexagonal RRh3 (R=Pr, Nd) compounds showing ferromagnetic transitions at TC=3 and 6 K, respectively, we plan to perform inelastic neutron... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on quaternary borocarbides PrPt2B2C and Pr...
The borocarbides PrPt2B2C and PrPd2B2C forming in the tetragonal structure do not show any long range magnetic order down to 0.5 K. PrPt2B2C shows a superconducting transition... -
One- and multi-magnon excitations in a strong-leg quantum spin ladder
We propose to measure the one- and multi-magnon excitations in the first realization of a S=1/2 quantum spin ladder in the strong-leg regime. Our material, DIMPY, has very well... -
Does Na2Co2TeO6 realize the Kitaev model?
Preliminary data on the spin excitation spectrum of the honeycomb lattice compound Na2Co2TeO6 are consistent with the existence of Kitaev interactions, as was recently proposed... -
Study of vibron stability in CeCuxAl4-x with x = 0.95 and 1.05
CeCuxAl4-x compounds crystallize in the ordered non-centrosymmeric tetragonal BaNiSn3-type structure (space group 107, I4mm). The strong interaction between crystal field (CF)... -
Investigation of crystal field excitations in RRh3 (R=Pr and Nd) compounds
To determine the crystal fields of hexagonal RRh3 (R=Pr, Nd) compounds showing ferromagnetic transitions at TC=3 and 6 K, respectively, we plan to perform inelastic neutron... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on double perovskite Sr2TIrO6 (T = Ca, Sc,...
Recent observation of AFM transition at 1.3 K in Sr2YIrO6 with Ir in 5+ valence state has motivated research interests in the double perovskite Sr2TIrO6. Usually Ir5+ with a...