Growth response of Emiliania huxleyi to ocean alkalinity enhancement
We tested the sensitivity of Emiliania huxleyi, the most widespread coccolithophore species, to ocean alkalinity enhancement in laboratory culture experiments. The manipulation... -
Biological soil quality of the DOK long-term field experiment from spring sam...
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Seawater carbonate chemistry and Oikopleura dioica, phytoplankton, and carbon...
We conducted an experiment with large volume in situ mesocosms (~55–60 m3 and 21 m depth) in Raunefjord (Bergen), Norway in 2015 to investigate how ocean acidification (OA)... -
Oikopleura dioica, phytoplankton, and carbon export during the KOSMOS Bergen ...
This dataset is from an experiment with large-volume in situ mesocosms (~55-60 m3 and 21 m depth) in Raunefjord (Bergen), Norway in 2015. In this pelagic in situ mesocosm... -
Nitrogen turnover in the Ems estuary 2020
We measured dissolved and particular inorganic nitrogen and dissolved nitrous oxide concentration in the Ems estuary (Germany). The sampling campaign was conducted on two... -
Calanus spp. and Metridia spp. size and lipid content metrics in the Northwes...
Measurements of body size (prosome length), dry weight, and lipid content (oil sac area and volume) in wild-caught copepods were compiled from multiple studies conducted in the... -
Salt marsh soil carbon content, loss on ignition, dry bulk density, carbon st...
The goal of this project was to provide the first estimates of blue carbon stocks and carbon accumulation rates in the high and low marsh zones of salt marshes from the Pacific... -
BrGDGT-based temperature evolution through an Eocene hyperthermal event
Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) from maar sediments were analyzed in order to reconstruct continental air temperatures across a middle Eocene (47.2 Ma)... -
Nitrogen turnover in the Ems estuary 2014
We measured dissolved and particular inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the Ems estuary (Germany). The sampling campaign was conducted on three days in August 2014... -
Interpolated data of opal, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, opal/TOC and Ca...
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Opal, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, fractions of clay, silt and fine dus...
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Nuuk-fen (Greenland) dataset of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and profiles
This dataset describes the transect and plots labels for each samples, along with the depth, mass, volume, density, dry mass, %weight loss, and %C and %N issued from elemental... -
CuO lignin, and bulk decomposition data of a 75-day anoxic Phragmites austral...
Leaf and rhizome litter was anaerobically decomposed in the soil substrates of three NE_German wetlands. The decomposition time was 75 days. Leaf litter from all sites was... -
Bulk measurements of total carbon, bulk δ¹³CTC, total nitrogen and bulk d15N ...
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