Halocarbons measured on water bottle samples during EMB cruise 06EZ1103 in Ju...
The aim of the cruise with RV Elisabeth Mann Borgese was to study the variability of six halocarbons (CH3I, CHCl3, CH2Br2, CH2ClI, CHBr3 andCH2I2) and DMS during a summer... -
Species of Harpacticoida in meiofauna communities of the Fehmarn Belt (Wester...
As part of the DAM pilot mission "MGF Ostsee", the meiobenthic communities of a protected area and a reference area in the Fehmarn Belt (Baltic Sea, Germany) were compared, with... -
Genera of Harpacticoida in meiofauna communities of the Fehmarn Belt (Western...
As part of the DAM pilot mission "MGF Ostsee", the meiobenthic communities of a protected area and a reference area in the Fehmarn Belt (Baltic Sea, Germany) were compared, with... -
(Sub-)Families of Harpacticoida in meiofauna communities of the Fehmarn Belt ...
As part of the DAM pilot mission "MGF Ostsee", the meiobenthic communities of a protected area and a reference area in the Fehmarn Belt (Baltic Sea, Germany) were compared, with... -
Copepod orders in meiofauna communities of the Fehmarn Belt (Western Baltic S...
As part of the DAM pilot mission "MGF Ostsee", the meiobenthic communities of a protected area and a reference area in the Fehmarn Belt (Baltic Sea, Germany) were compared, with... -
Higher taxa in meiofauna communities of the Fehmarn Belt (Western Baltic Sea)...
As part of the DAM pilot mission "MGF Ostsee", the meiobenthic communities of a protected area and a reference area in the Fehmarn Belt (Baltic Sea, Germany) were compared, with... -
(Table 2) Alkenone fractional abundances and alkenone based indices as well a...
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(Table 1) Alkenone concentrations and distributions in Baltic Sea sediments
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OHGDGT global surface sediment data
Here, we compile an extensive global surface sediment dataset of OH-isoGDGTs as well as regular isoprenoid GDGTs (isoGDGTs), with both data generated at NIOZ and previously... -
Amplicon sequence variant table of benthic heterotrophic protists of the sout...
We aimed to explore the community compostion of benthic heterotrophic protists in three different regions of the southern Baltic Sea - Fehmarnbelt, Oderbank and Roennebank.... -
Environmental data related to amplicon sequencing of benthic heterotrophic pr...
We aimed to explore the community compostion of benthic heterotrophic protists in three different regions of the southern Baltic Sea - Fehmarnbelt, Oderbank and Roennebank.... -
Hydroacoustic data Eckernförde Bay, Germany aquired during ALKOR cruise AL447...
This multibeam echo sounder (MBES) bathymetry data and backscatter data, as well as subbottom profiler data, was acquired in Eckernförde Bay, Germany.The MBES data were acquired... -
Multibeam bathymetry raw data (R2Sonic SONIC 2024 entire dataset) of RV ELISA...
Multibeam bathymetry raw data using the ship's own R2Sonic SONIC 2024 Wideband multibeam echosounder was not continuously recorded during RV ELISABETH MANN BORGESE (EMB) cruise... -
Raw data of physical oceanography of Underway ScanFish CTD during RV ELISABET...
This raw data of physical oceanography was acquired during research cruise EMB304 of 'RV Elisabeth Mann Borgese' from October 25th to November 02nd 2022. Thereby data was... -
Raw data of continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV ELISABETH MANN...
Underway temperature and salinity data was collected along the cruise track with the thermosalinograph (TSG) , which is part of the Surface Monitoring Box (SMB). The TSG worked... -
Raw data of physical oceanography during RV ELISABETH MANN BORGESE cruise EMB304
This raw data of physical oceanography was acquired during research cruise EMB304 of 'RV Elisabeth Mann Borgese' from October 25th to November 02nd 2022. Thereby data was... -
Flow-through sensor data for pCO2, pCH4, O2, temperature and salinity from SC...
Flow-through pCO2, pCH4 Temp/Sal, and O2 measurements in the western Baltic Sea during SCOR cruise (separate to the intercalibration exercise). Surface water flow-through sensor... -
Biochemical parameters in vertical profiles from the Baltic Sea and Norwegian...
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Biochemical parameters in the underlying water (ULW) from Cape Verde, the Bal...
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Biochemical parameters in the surface microlayer (SML) from Cape Verde, the B...
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