Data related to Panzer: A Machine Learning Based Approach to Analyze Supersec...
This entry contains the data used to implement the bachelor thesis. It was investigated how embeddings can be used to analyze supersecondary structures. Abstract of the thesis:... -
Data related to Panzer: A Machine Learning Based Approach to Analyze Supersec...
This entry contains the data used to implement the bachelor thesis. It was investigated how embeddings can be used to analyze supersecondary structures. Abstract of the thesis:... -
Lemma Embeddings for Latin
Lemma embeddings for Latin built from the LASLA corpus (Opera Latina) and the Index Thomisticus (Opera Maiora). -
Medical Concept Embeddings via Labeled Background Corpora
This entry contains the resources used in and resulting from Eneldo Loza Mencía, Gerard de Melo and Jinseok Nam, Medical Concept Embeddings via Labeled Background Corpora, in:...