(Table S3) Mean frequencies of vascular plant species from nine plots at a fe...
Parameter comments: Plant Geographic Classes - AA:alpine/Arctic, B:boreal, N:north (but not boreal or alpine/Arctic) and O:other (cultural, south or south/east origin) based on... -
(Table 3) Berry diameter and seed number after UV-B and CO2 treatment of Empe...
Samples were collected in August 2009. Significant plot effects are evident for both the species. -
(Table 3) Biomass of Empetrum hermaphroditum, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and Vacc...
Biomass data was quantified through the point quadrat hits (30 x 30 cm**2). -
(Table 2) End of season shoot growth of Empetrum hermaphroditum, Vaccinium vi...
Shoot growth were measured on 10 tagged shoots of each species in all plots (n = 6 per treatment). -
(Table 1) Berry production of Empetrum hermaphroditum, Vaccinium vitis-idaea,...
Berry counts were performed on 10 marked shoots of each species in all plots. Fresh berry weights were taken from other unmarked shoots in experimental plots (plot replication n...