Realtive abundance of diatom species in sediment core IK9373-10
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Relative abundance of diatom species in sediment core PM9462-4
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Diatom abundance in surface sediments of the northern North Pacific
In order to map the modern distribution of diatoms and to establish a reliable reference data set for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the northern North Pacific, a new data... -
Diatom abundance during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-X/6
Apstein net (20 µm mesh) from surface 20m and Multinet (64 µm mesh) from 5 depths down to 300 m were examined live for floristic assesment. Samples were preserved and prepared... -
Sea ice diatoms as relative abundance from the Belcher islands archipelago, H...
Relative abundances (%) of diatoms from the bottom 5 cm of modern sea ice samples from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and May... -
Sea ice diatom concentrations from the Belcher islands archipelago, Hudson Ba...
Diatom concentrations (valves/ml) from the bottom 5 cm of modern sea ice samples from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and May... -
(Appendix 2) Diatom biostratigraphy of sediment core GA306-GC4 obtained durin...
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(Appendix 1) Diatom biostratigraphy of sediment core GA306-BC4 obtained durin...
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