Above- and belowground biomass, number of blades and surface area of Zostera ...
For seagrass incubations, August 5, 2020, seagrass shoots were enclosed in transparent gas impermeable plastic vacuum bags (Packing24, PA/PE 20/70, 90my) with approx. 6 L of the... -
Incubation chamber volume and algal biomass, surface area and epiphyte biomas...
For the algae incubations on August 18, 2020, transparent gas impermeable plastic vacuum bags (Packing24, PA/PE 20/70, 90my) with a single F. vesiculosus thallus, were closed... -
Physiological responses of Fucus vesiculosus under temperature gradient
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Seawater carbonate chemistry and resilience of a seagrass system exposed to g...
Despite a growing interest in identifying tipping points in response to environmental change, our understanding of the ecological mechanisms underlying non-linear ecosystem... -
Seagrass ecosystem response to long-term high CO2 in a Mediterranean volcanic...
We examined the long-term effect of naturally acidified water on a Cymodocea nodosa meadow growing at a shallow volcanic CO2 vent in Vulcano Island (Italy). Seagrass and... -
Seagrass structural traits across five countries in the Central Indo-Pacific ...
Surveys of seagrass morphometrics were conducted as part of a large-scale seagrass ecosystem services assessment conducted across five countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand,... -
Biomass (dry weight) of epiphytic microalgae measured through a multi-factori...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of... -
Experiment on the effects of oligo-alginate elicitation on juvenile and adult...
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