Multibeam bathymetry processed data (Kongsberg EM 122 working area dataset) o...
A geophysical study was undertaken over the St Paul Fracture Zone in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean in November and December of 2017, during research cruise MSM69 aboard the... -
Nannofossil absolute abundances of sediment core GeoB1117-2
The present study was initiated to ascertain the significance of coccolithophores as a proxy for paleoceanographic and paleoproductivity studies in the equatorial Atlantic. Data... -
Abundance and biomass latitudinal distribution of pelagic Decapoda, Lophogast...
In this dataset, we included the abundance and biomass distribution of pelagic shrimps from off the Brazil coast (15ºS) to the Canary Islands (25ºN). Sampling was conducted in... -
Coral Li/Mg records of deep sea temperature during the last deglaciation
Fossil scleractinian corals were collected from the Galápagos platform in the East Equatorial Pacific (0°N, 90°E) on cruises MV1007 and NA064 from water depths between 419 and... -
SMARTIES cruise - Nautile videos of the axial domain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridg...
Videos recorded during the SMARTIES cruise with the Nautile cameras (fixed and mobile) during dives along the axial domain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of Romanche transform... -
40Ar/39Ar ages and major elements composition of basalts of the Mid-Atlantic ...
Ages obtained through the 40Ar/39Ar method for basalt samples with the Nautile submersible along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Romanche transform fault. Major... -
Bathymetry and backscatter grids along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge sou...
Gridded shipboard multibeam bathymetry and backscatter mosaics along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The used data are part of the dataset acquired during the SMARTIES... -
Average mixing profil observations in the equatorial Atlantic at 23°W for eva...
Upper-ocean turbulent mixing processes are known to play a key role in controlling the sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Atlantic. Here, a synoptic observational data... -
Tropical Instability Wave mixing, ocean background and air-sea flux observati...
A synoptic observational data set of Tropical Instability Wave (TIW) mixing events and associated heat and momentum fluxes as well as oceanic and atmospheric background... -
Raw marine geomagnetic measurements (P1-P6) of RV Maria S. Merian during crui...
These data are acquired by the BOB data acquisition software. -
Raw marine geomagnetic measurements of RV Maria S. Merian during cruise MSM88/1
These data are acquired by the BOB data acquisition software. -
Bathymetry grid of Pourquoi Pas? cruise ILAB-SPARC, Chain Fracture Zone
We provide a processed bathymetry dataset collected in the equatorial Atlantic during ILAB-SPARC experiment conducted aboard N/O Pourquoi Pas? in Fall 2018. -
Seismic refraction datasets and velocity model during cruise ILAB-SPARC, Chai...
These dataset was collected in the equatorial Atlantic during ILAB-SPARC experiment conducted aboard N/O Pourquoi Pas? in Fall 2018. The seismic data sample the oceanic... -
Seismic reflection datasets during cruise ILAB-SPARC and iLAB TransAtlantic, ...
The seismic data sample the oceanic lithosphere extending between the Romanche Transform Fault to the Charcot Fracture Zone. Reflection (multichannel seismic - MCS data), we... -
Data product of full-depth current velocity observations at 0°N, 23°W (v2.0)
zonal velocity (U) in m/smeridional velocity (V) in m/sdatenum time (DTIME)julian time (JTIME)pressure (P) in dbardepth (Z) in minstrument type (IT):1: ADCP2: Current Meter3:... -
Sediment echosounder processed data (Atlas Parasound P70 echosounder working ...
A geophysical study was undertaken over the St Paul Fracture Zone in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean in November and December of 2017, during research cruise MSM69 aboard the... -
Seismic refraction data from ILAB-SPARC experiment in the equatorial Atlantic...
We provide 10 OBS seismic data collected in the equatorial Atlantic during the ILAB-SPARC experiment conducted aboard French R/V 'Pourquoi Pas?' in Fall 2018. The seismic data... -
Data product of full-depth current velocity observations at 0°N, 23°W (v1.0)
zonal velocity (U) in m/smeridional velocity (V) in m/s datenum time (DTIME)julian time (JTIME)pressure (P) in dbardepth (Z) in minstrument type (IT):1: ADCP 2: Current Meter3:... -
Report on marine geomagnetic measurements made during research cruises MSM88-...
Part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project. Its goal is to collect all available bathymetric data,... -
Bathymetry, gravity, seismic reflection and refraction datasets, and velocity...
We provide processed bathymetry and gravity (Free-air anomaly) datasets collected in the equatorial Atlantic during ILAB-SPARC experiment conducted aboard N/O Pourquoi Pas? in...