Effects of lanthanide and manganese dopants on the crystal structure of BiFeO3
Enhancement of the ferroelectric properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 are known to occur when small amounts of Bi are replaced by lanthanide ions. Further levels of lanthanide... -
Local order in the bismuth based solid solution systems BiMeO3 - ATiO3 (Me = ...
Research within the field of functional oxides has always been very active. In recent years systems showing a coupling between ferroelectricity and magnetism have become one of... -
In-situ neutron diffraction studies on proton conducting oxides (CaxLa1-x) ~6...
Rare-earth tungstates have recently attracted significant attention due to its high-temperature proton or mixed proton-electron conductivity. The proton conductivity in La6WO12... -
Temperature induced structural phase transitions in BaPrO3 and acceptor doped...
The sequence of structural phase transitions that occur in distorted ABO3 perovskites as a function of temperature is of intrinsic interest for better understanding of the... -
In-situ study of oxygen storage materials in the Zr-Ce-O system
Zirconia-ceria ceramics are promising materials within automotive exhaust catalysts, exploiting the Ce3+<->Ce4+ redox reactions to store oxygen. For a Zr:Ce ratio of 1:1... -
Study of cation disorder, oxygen vacancy ordering and proton sites in La2-xNd...
On the basis of X-ray diffraction the oxygen deficient La2-xNdxCe2O7 series displays a transition from disordered fluorite to the C-type superstructure in which the cations... -
In-situ hydration and total scattering studies of Ba2In2-xMxO5 (M = Y and Ga)...
Motivated by the goal of improving the proton conduction in the brownmillerite Ba2In2O5 we are investigating the role of isovalent substitution at the indium sites. In... -
In-situ conductivity study of double perovskites for use as potential anode m...
It is a challenge to develop materials for use in fuel cell applications. Presently we are preparing new perovskite and double perovskite structured compounds being potential... -
Oxygen Vacancy Clusters in Pure and Doped CeO2-d
Oxide ceramics based on ceria, CeO2, have been the subject of considerable research for the role of solid electrolyte within solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), since their ionic... -
Oxygen Vacancy Defects in Y Doped CeO2
CeO2 based ceramics are currently the subject of extensive research interest as potential electrolyte materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs). They offer the advantage of... -
The Defect Structure of Scandia Doped Zirconias
There is currently considerable research interest in the synthesis and characterisation of materials with high oxide-ion conductivities, owing to their potential exploitation as... -
The mechanism of Oxygen Absorption/Desorption in YBaCo4O7+d (Y114) studied by...
An uncommon oxygen absorption/desorption behavior for cobalt oxide YBaCo4O7+d was found[Karppinen et al. Chem Mater 18 2006 490]. Y114 absorbs and desorbs oxygen up to d = 1.5... -
Nature of structural disorder in proton conducting In-doped BaZrO3
This proposal requests three days on the Polaris diffractometer to investigate the nature of local structure in the well known proton conducting perovskite system... -
In-situ study of structure-property relationships on proton conducting perovs...
Significant research has been given towards synthesis and characterisation of electrolyte materials with high proton conductivity for intermediate temperature range (200-600°C)... -
Simultaneous Conductivity-Diffraction Studies of Halide Superionics
We request 5 days beamtime on the Polaris diffractometer to perform simultaneous ionic conductivity and neutron powder diffraction measurements of five superionic binary... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Study of Proton Conducting Perovskite Oxide BaZr0...
Acceptor-doped perovskite oxides exhibit significant proton conductivity under humid or hydrogen containing atmosphere, which opens a unique possibility to be used as... -
Local structure within Li+ depleted LiFePO4
Lithium iron phosphate is a commonly used cathode material in Li-ion batteries. The material exhibits a two phase system on lithiation and delithiation with narrow solid... -
Local structure in cation substituted Zn2TiO4 inverse spinel
Considerable research has been devoted to materials to fulfil the roles of electrodes and electrolyte within SOFCs, with focus on the fluorite or perovskite crystal structures.... -
In-situ neutron diffraction investigation of Ni-based batteries
Ni-based secondary batteries are currently used in many applications, however, the structural changes at the electrodes are not fully characterized and neutron diffraction is a... -
Structural phase transitions in proton conducting BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-d as function...
The structure dependence of BaCe0.8Y0.2O3-d (BCY-20), a leading proton conducting material, will be studied as a function of temperature and, critically, controlled atmosphere...