Diatom anbundances of polygon tundra in the Kolyma Delta near Pokhodsk (NE Si...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Loe Pool: Diatom abundances of composite core LPGC21
This dataset provides the sedimentological and palaeoecological data for the Post-Industrial sediment sequence retrieved from Loe Pool (UK) in 2021. Loss-on-ignition as well as... -
Biological indicator records (diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, freshwater inverteb...
Here, we present diatom (Bacillariophyceae), chrysophyte (Chrysophyceae), and zoological indicator (Chironomidae, other aquatic insect, planktonic crustaceans, Bryozoa,... -
Diatom abundance of sediment core POS287-28-1B
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Diatom abundance of sediment core POS287-26-1B
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Diatoms in sediment core AWI_80-1
Three profiles (12P-1908-A, 12P-2008-A, 12P-2208-A) of exposed deposits were sampled in course of the expedition Pokhodsk 2012 in the Kolyma Lowland, which contained frozen... -
Diatoms in sediment samples from the pingo exposure AWI_12P-1908-A
Three profiles (12P-1908-A, 12P-2008-A, 12P-2208-A) of exposed deposits were sampled in course of the expedition Pokhodsk 2012 in the Kolyma Lowland, which contained frozen... -
Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1756
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Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1755
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(Table 6) Diatoms of sediment core PG2100
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Standardized diatom data of sediment core PG1984 from Lake Sysy-Kyuele (Yakut...
This data set is part of a larger data harmonization effort to make lake sediment core data machine readable and comparable. Here we standardized diatom count data of sediment... -
Diatom species from sediment core 16-KP-04-L19B, Lake Rauchuagytgyn, expediti...
These dataset contains multi proxy data from short sediment core 16-KP-04-L19B obtained from Arctic glacial lake Rauchuagytgyn (N 67.7888, E 168.7380) by gravity coring during... -
Genetic and morphologic data of diatoms from Arctic surface sediments
Lakes cover large parts of the climatically sensitive Arctic landscape and respond rapidly to environmental change. Freshwater diatoms dominate the primary producer community in... -
Microfossil abundance of Hole 13-130
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Diatom assemblages of 90 Urals lakes
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Diatoms from Modern Lake Sediments of Lake Lebedinoe (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomou...
Arctic reservoirs are excellent indicators of the ongoing increase in air temperature on the planet. The West Siberian Arctic, especially its northern part, is poorly studied... -
Southern and Middle Urals lakes diatom abundance
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Diatom biovolume in sediment core from western Lake Superior near Duluth, Min...
Diatom biovolume was measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found at "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from western Lake Superior near Duluth, Minne...
Diatom density measured per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from Fond du Lac Bay, St. Louis River, Minn...
Diatom biovolume per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details".