Pollen analysis of ODP Hole 175-1078C
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Pollen analysis of ODP Hole 175-1078C (part 1), counts of total pollen and fe...
Depth=depth composit -
CLAM age model and pollen profile of sediment core 175-1078C
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Pollen and spores of ODP Hole 175-1081A, Miocene-Pliocene, Walvis Ridge
Aridification is an important component of Late Neogene climate change in south-western Africa probably caused by modifications in the atmospheric circulation in relation to the... -
Raw pollen counts and pollen percentages quantified from sediment core MD96-2098
Pollen counts and percentages from marine core MD96-2098 (25°36′S, 12°38′E) in southwestern Africa spanning Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to 2. The core was sampled every 10 cm... -
Pollen and spore counts for the upper 10 meter of ODP Site 108-658, Brunhes C...
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Pollen and spores of ODP Site 108-659
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(Supplement table 2) Pollen and spore counts of eight modern surface pollen s...
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Pollen counts of sediment core GeoB16224-1 from Amazonia, off French Guyana c...
Pollen counts from marine sediment core GeoB16224-1 (gravity core, 6.65°N, 52.09°W; 2510 m water depth) retrieved off the mouth of the Amazon River. This dataset contains a... -
Pollen profile of sediment core VAN04, Lake Van, Turkey
This dataset was archived on 2018-09-17 from the EPD database. (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net). Date analyzed: 2009 -
Pollen profile GOSCI187, Lake Gosciaz, Polen
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western Po...
This pollen dataset contains the age of the sample (Age [a AD/CE] and Age [ka BP]), depth of the sample in m (Depth sed [m]), % of arboreal pollen (AP, calculated from the... -
Pollen counts of sediment core CON01-603-5 from Lake Baikal (Posolskoe site)
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Pollen data of sediment core GeoB20628-1
To better understand the vegetation evolution since the last deglaciation in southwestern Africa, we present pollen and spores data of 70 samples from marine sediment core... -
chloroplast genome of medical herbs in Anhui Province, China
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of medical herbs in Anhui Province, China were reported in this study. -
Pollen profile VLADAR, Vladar, Czech Republic
This dataset was archived on 2014-09-12 from the EPD database (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net). -
Pollen, non-pollen-palynomorphs, and microcharcoal of core Peny, Kursk region...
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Pollen counts in Hashilan Wetland sediment core, western Iran
For pollen analysis, standard analytical techniques (Faegri and Iversen, 1989) were applied for pollen extraction. Samples were treated with 10% KOH, 10% HCl, 37% HF and... -
Pollen and non-pollen palynomorph counts above and below tephra layer V-18a, ...
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Grabkower Seewiesen North
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