Heavy minerals on cores C00018, C0002B, C0002D, C0006E, C0002K and C0002L
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Bulk mineral composition on cores C00018, C0002D, C0002B and C0006E
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Shear strength of IODP Expedition 322 and 333 sediments approaching subductio...
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(Table 1) Experimental shear strength values for IODP Exp315 and Exp316 holes
We investigate the mechanics of slope failures on the Nankai accretionary complex offshore Japan in the vicinity of a major out-of-sequence thrust fault (termed the... -
Consolidation results of friction experiments on a Nankai Trough sample
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Model inversions residuals for friction experiments on a Nankai Trough sample
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Velocity-dependent friction measurements, inverse modeling with 2 state varia...
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Velocity-dependent friction measurements, inverse modeling with 1 state varia...
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Velocity-dependent friction measurements, inverse modeling with 2 state varia...
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Velocity-dependent friction measurements, inverse modeling with 1 state varia...
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Input parameters for RSF forward modeling with 2 state variables for friction...
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Input parameters for RSF forward modeling with 1 state variable for friction ...
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Experiment details for friction experiments on a Nankai Trough sample
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Table 5: Laboratory SSE measurements
Japan Trench data from Ikari et al. (2015). -
Table 4: Directly-measured friction velocity dependence
MS = Megasplay, Dec = Decollement.Japan Trench data from from Ikari et al. (2015). -
Table 3: Input parameters to model velocity-dependent friction parameters
Japan Trench data from Ikari et al. (2015). -
Table 2: Model-extracted velocity-dependent friction parameters
Japan Trench data from Ikari et al. (2015). -
Laboratory friction experiments on natural samples from IODP Expedition 316 a...
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Shear strength rates and slip measurements from IODP Expedition 316 and ODP H...
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(Table 2) Experimental testing and best-fit curve measurements on unsheared s...
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