Quasiparticle interference on the surface of Bi<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>3</sub> ter...
Among the family of topological superconductors derived from Bi2Se3, Cux(PbSe)5(Bi2Se3)6 is unique in its surface termination of a single quintuple layer (QL) of the topological... -
Electric field tunable bandgap in twisted double trilayer graphene
Twisted van der Waals heterostructures have recently emerged as a versatile platform for engineering interaction-driven, topological phenomena with a high degree of control and... -
FINALES - Electrolyte optimization for maximum conductivity and for maximum c...
This study investigates an electrolyte system composed of lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6), ethylene carbonate (EC) and ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC). For the assembly of full... -
Optoelectronic simulation and optimization of all perovskites tandem solar ce...
Tandem solar cells are highly promising photovoltaic device that can potentially beat the maximum power conversion efficiency achieved so far in a single junction silicon solar... -
Berry curvature signatures in chiroptical excitonic transitions
The topology of the electronic band structure of solids can be described by its Berry curvature distribution across the Brillouin zone. We theoretically introduce and... -
Oxygen vacancy induced defect dipoles in BiVO4 for photoelectrocatalytic part...
A strong driving force for charge separation and transfer in semiconductors is essential for designing effective photoelectrodes for solar energy conversion. While defect... -
Time-resolved oxidation state changes are key to elucidating the bifunctional...
In a unified regenerative fuel cell (URFC) or reversible fuel cell the oxygen bifunctional catalyst must switch reversibly between the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), fuel cell... -
Different ordering temperature of the Mn antisite sublattice in the intrinsic...
Magnetic topological insulators (TIs) promise a wealth of applications in spin-based technologies, relying on the novel quantum phenomena provided by their topological... -
Magnetostriction-driven muon localisation in an antiferromagnetic oxide
Magnetostriction drives a rhombohedral distortion in the cubic rock salt antiferromagnet MnO at the Nèel temperature TN=118 K. As an unexpected consequence we show that this... -
Emergence of threefold symmetric helical photocurrents in epitaxial low twinn...
We present evidence of a strong circular photon drag effect (PDE) in topological insulators (TIs) through the observation of threefold rotationally symmetric helicity-dependent... -
Interspecies exciton interactions lead to enhanced nonlinearity of dipolar ex...
Nonlinear interactions between excitons strongly coupled to light are key for accessing quantum many-body phenomena in polariton systems. Atomically-thin two-dimensional... -
Experimental evidence for quadrupolar order in the heavy fermion compound Ce3...
This proposal aims to probe the quadrupolar order believed to exist in the heavy fermion compound Ce3Pd20Si6 (CPS). Two phase transitions have been uncovered (in zero applied... -
A mobile soil analysis system for sustainable agriculture
For optimizing production yield while limiting negative environmental impact, sustainable agriculture benefits greatly from real-time, on-the-spot analysis of soil at low cost.... -
Reversible dehalogenation in on-surface aryl-aryl coupling
The record contains the data to support the findings of our recent work on reversibility of the dehalogenation process in on-surface aryl-aryl coupling. In the emerging field of... -
Ultrafast electron localization in the EuNi2(Si0.21Ge0.79)2 correlated metal
Ultrafast electron delocalization induced by a femtosecond laser pulse is a well-known process in which electrons are ejected from the ions within the laser pulse duration.... -
Asymmetric azide‐alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition on chiral metal surfaces
The record contains the data supporting our recent findings on asymmetric azide-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition on chiral metal surfaces: Achieving fundamental understanding of... -
Interface polarization in heterovalent core/shell nanocrystals
The potential profile and the energy level offset of core/shell heterostructured nanocrystals (h-NCs) determine the photophysical properties and the charge transport... -
Magnetic and electronic properties at the γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 interface
The magnetic and electronic nature of the γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 spinel/perovskite interface is explored by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Polarized x-ray techniques combined... -
Porous functionalized polymers enable generating and transporting hyperpolari...
Hyperpolarization by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) has enabled promising applications in spectroscopy and imaging, but remains poorly widespread due to... -
Structure determination of an amorphous drug through large-scale NMR predictions
Knowledge of the structure of amorphous solids can direct, for example, the optimization of pharmaceutical formulations, but atomic-level structure determination in amorphous...