Probing the spin dynamics in Griffiths phase and spin glass-like phase of La0...
LaCoO3 and A-site Sr doped LaCoO3 have been an intense research area in recent days due to their complex magnetic phase diagram and another additional degree of freedom,... -
Excited/Ground State of Kekulé di-radical Material Bisphenalenyl
Kekulé di-radical (KDR) with two radical centers of independent spins has a low-spin ground state (singlet S0 with antiparallel spins), and interestingly high-spin triplets (T1)... -
Superconductivity and static moments in LuxZr1-xB12
Nonmagnetic impurity substitutions impact on superconducting properties in various ways depending on the pair-breaking mechanism. The aim of the proposed experiment is to... -
Low temperature localised/delocalised transport regime transitions in the P3H...
The aims of this proposal are to study the ALC resonance in crystalline and disordered P3HT at temperatures below 4.2K, as for crystalline P3HT a cross-over between localised... -
The XY pyrochlore AFM:spin dynamics upon rare-earth dilution in Er2Ti2O7 (CON...
Er2Ti2O7 constitutes an experimental realization of the <111> easy-plane pyrochlore AFM and orders at 1.1 K into the theoretically predicted spin structure. However, the... -
Detecting magnetic ground state in Sr3NiRuO6: A new member in spin chain family
Encouraged by many unconventional magnetic properties in the magnetically frustrated spin-chain compounds of the type A3MM'O6, we have recently synthesized a new member... -
Antioxidants are very important molecules because they can prevent or slow down the oxidative damage to our bodies. When our bodies use oxygen, free radicals are released which... -
Using QLCR to Study Stopping Sites in Molecular Solids
Muon nuclear quadrupolar level crossing resonance is not a well-known technique, however it is extremely powerful. There is a large interest in probing the muon stopping site... -
Comparative study of magnetic Skyrmion formation in Co-Mn-Zn alloys
Skyrmions are topologically protected vortex-like spin textures, and have been attracting increasing attention due to their potential technological applications for spintronics.... -
Electron polarisation of deep muonium states
Following recent experiments in which the shallow donor muon states in semiconductors are found to have significant electron polarisation at low temperatures and high fields, we... -
Varying oxygen content in the quantum spin ice Tb2Ti2O7
Tb2Ti2O7 is one of two compounds identified as potential quantum spin ices. As with other oxide pyrochlores the properties depend sensitively on the oxygen stoichiometry. Most... -
QLCR Spectroscopy of Solid Nitrogen
Quadrupolar level crossing resonance (QLCR) occurs in the muSR of solids with diamagnetic muon states in close proximity to quadrupolar nuclei. This effect provides uniquely... -
How complex is complex: an ALC study of a 10-mer helical peptide chain
There have been ALC studies on the interaction of muons with native proteins, but little systematic work that contributes understanding of how spectroscopic information alters... -
Electron Spin Relaxation Measurements of Amorphous PTAA
The proposed experiment aims to determine the electron spin relaxation rate of the amorphous polymer PTAA as a function of temperature using the HIFI muon spectrometer. For... -
Valence bond solid in the charge ordered state of Rb4O6
Open p-shell anionic mixed-valence compounds have been recently proposed as intriguing model systems for disentangling the complex interplay of charge, lattice, orbital, and... -
Our ability to control the synthesis of this kind of material has led to the development of a family of Ru-Ru-M-backbone organometallic compounds with general formula... -
Quantitative measurement of muonium photochemical reaction kinetics of TIPS-P...
Our first completed photo-musr experiment on 6,13-bis(tri-iso propylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-Pn) has recently been accepted for publication. We observed a significant... -
Field-induced low-temperature magnetic phase in alkali-metal sesquioxides
Open p-shell anionic compounds are model systems where the interplay between charge, lattice, orbital, and spin degrees of freedom leads to complex magnetic behavior. In the... -
Spin dynamics and magnetic ordering in the p-orbital molecular solids CsO2 an...
A magnetic response of the alkali-metal superoxides comes from the p-orbital S = 1/2 spins of anionic O2- molecules. As the O2- molecules are highly reorientable and the... -
Sample-cooling effects on the field-induced low-temperature magnetic phase in...
Molecular solids like sodium superoxide NaO2 possess relatively simple crystal structures, yet their magnetism is surprisingly complex. This is presumably due to the interplay...