Supplementary Data Sample Plot Inventory Sihlwald
Supplementary Data Sample Plot Inventory Sihlwald The Sihlwald is one of the largest contiguous beech forests in the Swiss Plateau region. In the year 2000, timber harvesting... -
Tree-ring data of European beech with premature leaf discoloration in 2018 an...
Tree-ring data and tree location from 470 European beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) located in the northern part of Switzerland. 278 trees showed drought-induced premature leaf... -
Stand inventory data from the 10‐ha forest research plot in Uholka, Ukraine
In 2000, a permanent forest plot of 10 ha has been established in the core zone of the primeval beech forest of Uholka. All living and dead trees with a diameter at breast... -
Soil and stem xylem water isotope data from two pan-European sampling campaigns
Here, we present a comprehensive isotope dataset of soil and stem xylem water collected during two pan-European sampling campaigns in spring and summer 2023. The dataset... -
Resurveyed vegetation releves of beech forests in the Swiss Jura Mountains
This dataset comprised 254 historical (1937 – 1948) and resurveyed (2019 – 2022) vegetation relevés of beech-dominated forests sites in the Swiss Jura mountains. The data... -
Legacy effects of premature defoliation in response to an extreme drought eve...
What are the research data files about: Raw data on various beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaf traits. Beech leaf chemistry (primary and specialized metabolites), leaf damage... -
European Beech tree-ring dataset 1952-2020
This dataset contains the raw ring-width and climate data (1952-2020), as well as the R code to run the model and the model output used in the research article "No future growth... -
Data on multi-year drought impacts on European beech in northern Switzerland
This study investigated multi-year drought impacts on beech forests through a unique large-scale monitoring of 963 individual beech trees, which showed either premature leaf... -
Data from: Does one model fit all? patterns of beech mortality in natural for...
The datasets comprise nearly 19’000 trees of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) from unmanaged forests in Switzerland, Germany / Lower Saxony and Ukraine. Tree death was... -
Stress thresholds of mature European beech trees
This data set contains the data presented in the figures 1-6 in Walthert et al. (2020): From the comfort zone to crown dieback: sequence of physiological stress thresholds in...