Familienstress im Übergang zum Jugendalter: Welle 2
Basierend auf einem Transaktionsmodell der kindlichen Entwicklung bei familiärem Stress untersuchte diese Studie: a) familiären Stress durch dysfunktionale Familienprozesse wie... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2004
The ESS survey (European Social Survey, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) emerged from the need to obtain comparative data in Europe on a number of issues concerning... -
Elternbefragung - Können wir unser Kind vor Drogen bewahren? - 1994
In the context of a comprehensive representative survey on the health behavior of schoolchildren in Switzerland, parents were asked about their attitudes towards the use of... -
TwinLife is a 12-year representative behavior genetic study investigating the emergence and development of social inequalities over the life course. For a detailed documentation... -
GESIS Panel - Extended Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
GESIS Panel - Standard Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
Les familles monoparentales au Tessin: une enquête psychosociale - 1992
La famille en Suisse, comme dans d'autres pays occidentaux, a subi différentes transformations liées aux changements économiques, sociaux et culturels, avec, dans les dernières... -
Lebenssituation von Allein- und Einelternfamilien - 1990
Inhalt: Soziale und wirtschaftliche Lage der verschiedenen Subtypen von Allein-/Einelterfamilien (Wohnsituation, materielle Lebensbedingungen, Erwerbsarbeit, soziale Hilfsnetze,... -
Stratification sociale en Suisse - 1991
Malgré de nombreux travaux partiels ou sectoriels, la structure des inégalités en Suisse ainsi que le système de stratification sociale restent mal connus. C'est pourquoi une... -
Demandes parentales adressées aux éducatrices et éducateurs de la petite enfa...
Context At the origin of this project is the fact that the transformation of lifestyles can affect family situations. Changes in the family structure (single-parent families,... -
Enquête auprès de familles recomposées et de première union - 2009-2010
Les familles recomposées sont devenues durant les dernières décennies une réalité incontournable. Malheureusement, la plupart des données quantitatives les concernant... -
Thüringen-Monitor 2000-2023
The Thüringen-Monitor is a representative population survey on political culture in the Free State of Thuringia that has been held annually since 2000. It contains fixed and... -
ALLBUS/GGSS 2014 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften/Ger...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUScompact 2014
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUS 2014
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 2014 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwiss...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUScompact 2016
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
German General Social Survey - ALLBUS 2016
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 2016 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwiss...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
ALLBUS/GGSS 2016 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften/Ger...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor...