Observation of the magnetisation profile in a ferromagnetic semiconductor/fer...
Ferromagnetic III-V semiconductors lie at the confluence of magnetic storage and optoelectronic technologies, allowing the development of semiconductor heterostructure devices... -
Polarized neutron reflectormetry study of ultra-thin FeRh films.
FeRh in the CsCl structure is an interesting material with a tunable magnetostructural phase transition close to, or just above room temperature. On heating through the... -
On the ninety degree perpendicular domain wall in FePt/FeRh thin films.
Magnetic structures with an out of plane magnetic moment can be found in the latest generation hard disk drive. Interactions between a material with controllable out of plane... -
Pd, Ni, V, Nb and Ti capping layer clamping effects in hydrogen cycling in Ca...
We ask for 8 days of beam time on CRISP to study the absorption and desorption of hydrogen and deuterium in Ti/Mg/Pd trilayer samples. Our specific objective is to understand in... -
Observation of the magnetisation profile in a ferromagnetic semiconductor/fer...
Ferromagnetic III-V semiconductors lie at the confluence of magnetic storage and optoelectronic technologies, allowing the development of semiconductor heterostructure devices... -
Understanding the role of strain and applied field in the metamagnetic transi...
FeRh exhibits a fascinating structural and magnetic transition from room temperature antiferromagnetism to ferromagnetism at higher temperatures. This complex transition is... -
The effect of magnetic structure on ordred/disordered IrMn3 exchange-biasing ...
The exchange biasing effect in the thin film IrMn3/Fe depends strongly on the degree of structural ordering of the underling antiferromagnetic IrMn3 pinning layer. In this work... -
Quantification of the temperature dependent magnetisation profile in a ferrom...
The realisation of room temperature magnetic semiconductors would be a significant milestone on the route to the next generation of spintronic materials. Raising the ordering...