Parliamentary Elections in the Czech Republic and the Bene decrees 2002
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Omnibus Survey: Office of Federal President Dr. Klestil; socially disadvantag...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Omnibus Survey 2008
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
European Defense Policy and The Bene Decrees 2002
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Omnibus Survey 2000
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Parliamentary Elections in the Czech Republic and the Bene decrees 2002
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Omnibus Survey: Office of Federal President Dr. Klestil; socially disadvantag...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Omnibus Survey 2008
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
European Defense Policy and The Bene Decrees 2002
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Omnibus Survey 2000
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview