Omnibus Survey: Sanctions of the EU after the ÖVP/ FPÖ formation of governmen...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
New Technologies: Telekom Austria's IPO 2000
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Omnibus Survey: Sanctions of the EU after the ÖVP/ FPÖ formation of governmen...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
New Technologies: Telekom Austria's IPO 2000
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
The instability of the market for government bonds in the EMU
The introduction of the Transmission Protection Instrument is the latest evidence, that the EMU is confronted with unstable markets for government bonds. Based on a parsimonious...