Calcium and Trace Elemental Ratios of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Carbonate ...
Calcium isotope ratios (δ44Ca) and minor/trace elemental ratios (Mn, Sr, U, V, Cr, Fe /(Ca + Mg)) were measured from bulk carbonate powders in 2023 on samples collected in 2006... -
Boron and carbon isotope, and B/Ca data for a Siderastrea siderea coral core ...
Massive scleractinian corals provide unique opportunities to reconstruct past climatic and chemical changes in the ocean, where there is no additional information. Regular pH... -
Stable oxagen isotope ratios of benthic foraminifera of sediment core SO264_55-1
Benthic oxygen isotopes were measured on a Thermo Finnigan MAT 253 isotope ratio mass-spectrometer coupled to an automated KIEL IV CARBO preparation device. -
Stable isotope, UK'37 and SST of sediment core GIK17928-3
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Stable isotope, UK'37 and SST of sediment core GIK17927-2
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Sediment and pore water investigations in thermokarst terrain near Utqiagvik,...
This dataset comprises sediment and pore water analyses from sediment cores taken in April 2022 close to Utqiagvik, Alaska. An undisturbed upland, one drained lake basin, two... -
Environmental parameters and molcecular indices derived from ultra-high resol...
We studied dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics in a mangrove-fringed estuary in North Brazil, linking DOM composition to redox conditions at its formation sites. By... -
Stable isotopes in benthic foraminifera from IODP Hole 344-U1381C
Stable isotopic analyses were carried out on the benthic foraminifera species Uvigerina auberiana from the 250-300 µm size fraction. They were performed on a ThermoFinnigan MAT... -
Benthic foraminifer oxygen and carbon isotopes (NGHP-01 Site 16)
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(Table 3) Multiple sulfur isotope composition of secondary sulfide in ODP Hol...
We define traditional capital delta notation (Delta d) as deviations of d33S from a reference line: Delta d33S = d33S-0.515Xd34S. An alternative Delta delta definition has been... -
Pliocene planktonic and benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope ratio...
Here we present Pliocene planktonic (three species) and benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope ratios from IODP Site U1313 (hole A), recovered from the North Atlantic... -
Geochemical properties of dissolved and particulate matter from Batagay thaw ...
This study examines the release of dissolved and particulate matter due to the permafrost thaw in the Batagay mega thaw slump in central Yakutia (Russia) (67.58°N, 134.77°E) and... -
Stable oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerina bulloides of sediment core RECORD23
Stable oxygen isotope measurements were performed on cores RECORD23, MD90-912 and KET82-21, on 10-20 hand-picked and well-preserved (clean and intact) specimens of the... -
Stable oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerina bulloides of sediment core MD90-912
Stable oxygen isotope measurements were performed on cores RECORD23, MD90-912 and KET82-21, on 10-20 hand-picked and well-preserved (clean and intact) specimens of the... -
Stable oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerina bulloides of sediment core KET82-21
Stable oxygen isotope measurements were performed on cores RECORD23, MD90-912 and KET82-21, on 10-20 hand-picked and well-preserved (clean and intact) specimens of the... -
(Table 4) Multiproxy data obtained for the upper 2.1m of sediment core SU92-3...
Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes were measured on benthic (C. pachyderma) and planktonic (G. bulloides) foraminifera; epsilon-Nd values were obtained on mixed planktonic... -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope record of bulk carbonate of sediment core US...
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Stable hydrogen and carbon isotope records and concentration data for four lo...
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Composition of fluids collected at the Jøtul hydrothermal field, Knipovich Ri...
The Jøtul hydrothermal field is the first hydrothermal vent field discovered at the ultra-slow-spreading Knipovich Ridge, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge. In the course of its discovery... -
Stable isotopes of Globigerinoides ruber of sediment core MS21PC
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