Surfactants at the metal-oil interface
The lubrication of surfaces by oils is a key aspect of many academic and industrial problems with significant financial implications. We would like to study, for the first time... -
Interlayer coupling in YIG/NiO/Pt trilayers
The spin Seebeck effect is able to convert a temperature gradient into a spin current. Many potential applications exist for the field of spintronics, which use these spin... -
Study of Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Materials
We aim at studying materials that exhibit the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect (QAHE) and understand the underlying mechanisms that provide the fine balance of ferromagnetic doping... -
Studies of off specular relfectivity in YBa2Cu3O7(YBCO) and La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (L...
The origin of magnetic exchange at the interface of complex magnetic oxides is becoming an important consideration when developing thin film devices. Recent technical... -
Analysing the chemical surface of Perfluoropolyether-Polydimethyll Siloaxane ...
The objective of this experiment is to use neutron reflectivity to study the surface structure and determine chemical depth profiles of Perflouropolyether-PDMS films in air and... -
Artificial spin triplet superconductors
There is currently tremendous interest in unconventional superconductors where p-wave, d-wave or f-wave angular momentum states exist. The existence of p or f-wave odd symmetry... -
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in GaAs by electrical spin injection
We propose to measure the dynamic nuclear polarization in a GaAs-based structure caused by electrical injection of a spin-polarized current using polarized neutron... -
Anomalous Layer at a Nematic-Air Interface
The aim is to establish the nature of the surface layer of 8CB at the nematic-air interface by measuring neutron reflection from three differently deuterated versions of 8CB.... -
Magnetic Proximity Effects in Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Spin Valves
The recent experimental verification of the unique odd-frequency spin triplet superconductivity in artificial thin film ferromagnetic-superconducting structures is likely to... -
An In-Situ Study of the Formation of Amyloid Fibrils at Polymer Surfaces Usin...
We propose to study the formation of lateral features during insulin amyloid formation on polymer substrates using off-specular neutron reflectivity. This will be done by... -
Magnetic interactions in ferromagnetic topological insulator multilayer struc...
Topological insulators are one of the most important recent discoveries in condensed matter physics. The topological surface state can become gapped when ferromagnetic order is... -
Substrate-dependent structure of thin hydrogel films
Hydrogels are water-rich polymer networks made from natural or synthetic polymers, which are widely used in biomaterials, medicine and antifouling. We have developed PEG-based... -
Polarised Neutron Reflectometry from Frustrated Nanomagnet Arrays
We propose to study off-specular polarised neutron reflectivity from an array of CoFeB nanostructures. Many groups use Permalloy to form these types of nanostructures, however,... -
This paper traces the yearly response of gross domestic product growth-both aggregated and disaggregated into its agricultural and non-agricultural components-to four types of... -
floosdimilarity - a python module to compute the similarity between multiple ...
floodsimilarity provides classes and methods to conduct a similarity analysis between multiple flood events. The library mainly consists of two parts: (1) algorithms to compute... -
The Digital Earth Flood Event Explorer: A showcase for data analysis and expl...
The Digital Earth Flood Event Explorer supports geoscientists and experts to analyse flood events along the process cascade event generation, evolution and impact across... -
The Climate Change Workflow of the Flood Event Explorer: Analysis of climate-...
The Climate Change Workflow is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in close collaboration... -
The Flood Similarity Workflow of the Flood Event Explorer: Identification, as...
The Flood Similarity Workflow is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences . It is funded by the... -
The River Plume Workflow of the Flood Event Explorer: Detection and impact as...
The River Plume Workflow is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in close collaboration with... -
The Smart Monitoring Workflow (Tocap) of the Flood Event Explorer: Determinin...
The Smart Monitoring Workflow (Tocap) is part of the Flood Event Explorer (FEE, Eggert et al., 2022), developed at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in close...