39 datasets found

Keywords: Folkräkningar

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  • Danska Västindien-panelen

    Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and...
  • Statistik över namn efter födelseland 2020

    This dataset contains statistics on names (first names of women, first names of men, and last names) by country of birth. In total, there are 231,505 names by 202 countries. The...
  • POPUM - Demografiska databasen

    The POPUM database contains personal records from parish registers of the regions Linköping, Sundsvall and Skellefteå, Norrland’s midland and the parishes on the Swedish sides...
  • Tabellverksdatabasen - Demografiska databasen

    The database TABVERK contains population statistics in the Swedish parishes during the period 1749-1859. It constitutes the earliest population statistics throughout the world...
  • Folkmängdsdatabasen - Demografiska databasen

    The database POPULATION contains information about the population development in Sweden’s parishes, cities and municipalities according to the present classification every ten...
  • POPLINK - Demografiska databasen

    The database POPLINK is a longitudinal population database under construction with the support of Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and Umeå University. The database contains personal...
  • Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...

    The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level...
  • Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper

    This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture...
  • Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper_2

    This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture...
  • Folk- och bostadsräkningen 1970: Demografiska data

    Data of Demography 1970 consists of three excerpts from the Census of the Population 1970. The first part is a description of the total population by age, marital status and sex...
  • Folk- och bostadsräkningen 1970: Demografiska data_2

    Data of Demography 1970 consists of three excerpts from the Census of the Population 1970. The first part is a description of the total population by age, marital status and sex...
  • Folk- och bostadsräkningen 1970: Demografiska data_3

    Data of Demography 1970 consists of three excerpts from the Census of the Population 1970. The first part is a description of the total population by age, marital status and sex...
  • Folk- och bostadsräkningen 1970: Demografiska data_4

    Data of Demography 1970 consists of three excerpts from the Census of the Population 1970. The first part is a description of the total population by age, marital status and sex...
  • Folk- och bostadsräkningen 1970: Demografiska data_5

    Data of Demography 1970 consists of three excerpts from the Census of the Population 1970. The first part is a description of the total population by age, marital status and sex...
  • Folkräkningen 1930 - Yrkesgrupper

    This data collection contains information about total population and total number of professionally employed within the principal occupational groups agriculture and subsidiary...
  • Folkräkningen 1920 - Yrkesgrupper

    This data collection contains information about total population, total number of professionally employed, income and property within the principal occupational groups...
  • Folkräkningen 1890 - Yrkesgrupper

    This data collection contains information about total population and total number of professionally employed within the principal occupational groups agriculture, industry,...
  • Folkräkningen 1910 - Yrkesgrupper

    This data collection contains information about population within the principal occupational groups agriculture, industry and mining, commerce, transport, storage and...
  • Folkräkningen 1900 - Yrkesgrupper

    This data collection contains information about total population and total number of professionally employed within the principal occupational groups agriculture, industry,...
  • Befolkningsförändringar 1891-1900

    This data collection contains information about average population 1891-1900 and number of married couples, live births, illegitimate births, deaths, emigrants and immigrants...
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