243 datasets found

Keywords: Fysiologiska fenomen

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  • Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2003: 12 år

    The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on...
  • Nationella miljöhälsoenkäten 1999

    The environmental health survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of...
  • Nationella miljöhälsoenkäten 2007

    The environmental health survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of...
  • Salut-satsningen - Hälsoformulär till blivande föräldrar

    In 2005, the health authorities of Region Västerbotten initiated the Salut Programme. The initiative got its name from the word “salutogenic” as the basic idea is to promote...
  • Salut-satsningen - 3-årsenkäten

    In 2005, the health authorities of Region Västerbotten initiated the Salut Programme. The initiative got its name from the word “salutogenic” as the basic idea is to promote...
  • Salut-satsningen - Elevhälsoundersökning

    In 2005, the health authorities of Region Västerbotten initiated the Salut Programme. The initiative got its name from the word “salutogenic” as the basic idea is to promote...
  • EpiHealth

    The study consists of three parts: 1) Collection of data on lifestyle factors by a self-administered web-based questionnaire 2) Visit to a test center for collection of blood...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 1: Yngre (18-64 år)

    Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 2: Äldre (65-80 år)

    Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in...
  • Kvinnors hälsa i Lundabygden (WHILA) - inledande frågeformulär

    The Women's Health in the Lund Area (WHILA) study invited all women (n = 10,766) living in the Lund area of Southern Sweden by 1995, who were born between 1935 and 1945. The...
  • Riksmaten vuxna 2010-2011 - Kostregistrering

    In Riksmaten adults 2010–11, a representative sample of 5000 individuals between 18–80 years living in Sweden were invited to participate in the study. The data collection took...
  • Riksmaten vuxna 2010-2011- Enkät

    In Riksmaten adults 2010–11, a representative sample of 5000 individuals between 18–80 years living in Sweden were invited to participate in the study. The data collection took...
  • Riksmaten vuxna 2010-2011 - Provtagning

    In Riksmaten adults 2010–11, a representative sample of 5000 individuals between 18–80 years living in Sweden were invited to participate in the study. The data collection took...
  • Riksmaten 1997-98

    In 1997-98, the Statistics Sweden in co-operation with the National Food Administration (NFA) carried out the second nationwide Swedish dietary survey, Riksmaten. The study was...
  • Riksmaten barn 2003: 4-åringar

    A national food survey was carried out during 2003 on children 4 year old and school children in grade 2 and in grade 5. The method was an open and estimated food diary over...
  • Riksmaten barn 2003: Skolbarn (åk 2 och 5)

    A national food survey was carried out during 2003 on children 4 year old and school children in grade 2 and in grade 5. The method was an open and estimated food diary over...
  • Svenska skolbarns hälsovanor 2009/10

    The survey Schoolchildren's Health Habits is a part of the international research project Health Behaviour in School-aged Children, created on the initiative of the World Health...
  • Make/maka DNA kohort

    The cohort was recruited among accompanying spouses of cancer patients at the Oncology Clinic at Lund University Hospital. The study will be used as a reference population in...
  • MISS-kohorten, Melanom i Södra Sverige - enkät

    The MISS cohort started in 1990 when 40 000 women between 26 and 65 in Skåne were randomly selected to participate in an interview about the risk factors for malignant melanoma...
  • MISS-kohorten, Melanom i Södra Sverige - DNA

    The MISS cohort started in 1990 when 40 000 women between 26 and 65 in Skåne were randomly selected to participate in an interview about the risk factors for malignant melanoma...
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